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Cancel - String

Daily - SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorDailySettings

The text similar to " day(s)" displayed in the scheduler recurrence editor.

End - SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorEndSettings

The text similar to "After " displayed in the scheduler recurrence editor.

EndTitle - String

Frequencies - SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorFrequenciesSettings

The text similar to "Daily" displayed in the scheduler recurrence editor.

HeaderTitle - String

Monthly - SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorMonthlySettings

The text similar to "Day " displayed in the scheduler recurrence editor.

OffsetPositions - SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorOffsetPositionsSettings

The text similar to "first" displayed in the scheduler recurrence editor.

RecurrenceEditorTitle - String

RepeatTitle - String

Update - String

Weekly - SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorWeeklySettings

The text similar to " week(s)" displayed in the scheduler recurrence editor.

Weekdays - SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorWeekdaysSettings

The text similar to "day" displayed in the repeat by section of the monthly recurrence pattern.

Yearly - SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorYearlySettings

The text similar to "day" displayed in the scheduler recurrence editor. Also used for titles of the appropriate inputs.

Scheduler - Scheduler

The template used to render the "all day" scheduler events.The fields which can be used in the template are: description String - the event description; end Date - the event end date; isAllDay Boolean - if true the event is "all day"; resources Array - the event resources; start Date - the event start date or title String - the event title.



Serialize current instance to Dictionary

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