Editable - SchedulerEditableSettings
The template which renders the editor.
DataSource - DataSource
The number of available pages.
DataSourceId - String
ToolbarCommands - IList
CustomToolbar - SchedulerCustomToolbarSettings
Views - IList
Resources - IList
Group - SchedulerGroupSettings
The configuration of the scheduler resource(s). A scheduler resource is optional metadata that can be associated with a scheduler event.
WorkDays - Int32[]
AllDayEventTemplate - String
AllDayEventTemplateId - String
AllDayEventTemplateHandler - String
AllDaySlot - Nullable
AutoBind - Nullable
CurrentTimeMarker - SchedulerCurrentTimeMarkerSettings
The update interval of the "current time" marker, in milliseconds.
Date - Nullable
DateHeaderTemplate - String
DateHeaderTemplateId - String
DateHeaderTemplateHandler - String
EndTime - Nullable
EventTemplate - String
EventTemplateId - String
EventTemplateHandler - String
Footer - SchedulerFooterSettings
Sets the command which will be displayed in the scheduler footer. Currently only "workDay" option is supported. If the option is set to false, the "workDay" button will be removed from the footer.
GroupHeaderTemplate - String
GroupHeaderTemplateId - String
GroupHeaderTemplateHandler - String
Height - Nullable
MajorTick - Nullable
MajorTimeHeaderTemplate - String
MajorTimeHeaderTemplateId - String
MajorTimeHeaderTemplateHandler - String
Max - Nullable
Messages - SchedulerMessagesSettings
The text similar to "all day" displayed in day,week and agenda views.
Min - Nullable
MinorTickCount - Nullable
MinorTimeHeaderTemplate - String
MinorTimeHeaderTemplateId - String
MinorTimeHeaderTemplateHandler - String
OngoingEvents - SchedulerOngoingEventsSettings
Specifies a custom CSS class applied to ongoing events. If not set, the default k-event-ongoing class will be applied.
Pdf - SchedulerPdfSettings
The author of the PDF document.
Selectable - Nullable
ShowWorkHours - Nullable
Snap - Nullable
StartTime - Nullable
Timezone - String
Width - Nullable
WorkDayStart - Nullable
WorkDayEnd - Nullable
WorkWeekStart - Nullable
WorkWeekEnd - Nullable
Mobile - Nullable
Events - IDictionary
Id - String
SanitezeId - Boolean
Initializer - IJavaScriptInitializer
IsInClientTemplate - Boolean
IsSelfInitialized - Boolean
HasDeferredInitialization - Boolean
HtmlAttributes - IDictionary
HtmlHelper - IHtmlHelper
ModelMetadataProvider - IModelMetadataProvider
Name - String
Explorer - ModelExplorer
Selector - String
IdPrefix - String
ViewContext - ViewContext
ValueProvider - IValueProvider
UrlGenerator - IUrlGenerator
HtmlEncoder - HtmlEncoder
HasClientComponent - Boolean
UseMvvmInitialization - Boolean
writer - System.IO.TextWriter
Serialize current instance to Dictionary
Renders the component.
Writes the deferred styes.
writer - System.IO.TextWriter
The writer.