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ExportAs - String

Import - String

AccessibilityTab - String

AddColumnLeft - String

AddColumnRight - String

AddRowAbove - String

AddRowBelow - String

AlignCenter - String

AlignCenterBottom - String

AlignCenterMiddle - String

AlignCenterTop - String

AlignLeft - String

AlignLeftBottom - String

AlignLeftMiddle - String

AlignLeftTop - String

AlignRemove - String

AlignRight - String

AlignRightBottom - String

AlignRightMiddle - String

AlignRightTop - String

Auto - String

TableAlignLeft - String

TableAlignCenter - String

TableAlignRight - String

Alignment - String

ApplyFormat - String

ApplyToColumn - String

ApplyToRow - String

AssociateCellsWithHeaders - String

BackColor - String

Background - String

Bold - String

Border - String

BorderColor - String

BorderWidth - String

Style - String

Caption - String

CaptionAlignment - String

CellMargin - String

CellPadding - String

CellSpacing - String

CellTab - String

CleanFormatting - String

CollapseBorders - String

Columns - String

CopyFormat - String

CreateTable - String

CreateTableHint - String

CssClass - String

DeleteColumn - String

DeleteRow - String

DialogCancel - String

DialogInsert - String

DialogOk - String

DialogUpdate - String

EditAreaTitle - String

FileTitle - String

FileWebAddress - String

FitToCell - String

FontName - String

FontNameInherit - String

FontSize - String

FontSizeInherit - String

ForeColor - String

FormatBlock - String

Formatting - String

Height - String

Id - String

ImageAltText - String

ImageHeight - String

ImageWebAddress - String

ImageWidth - String

Indent - String

InsertFile - String

InsertHtml - String

InsertImage - String

InsertOrderedList - String

InsertUnorderedList - String

InsertUpperRomanList - String

InsertLowerRomanList - String

Italic - String

OverflowAnchor - String

JustifyCenter - String

JustifyFull - String

JustifyLeft - String

JustifyRight - String

LinkOpenInNewWindow - String

LinkText - String

LinkToolTip - String

LinkWebAddress - String

Outdent - String

Redo - String

Rows - String

SelectAllCells - String

Strikethrough - String

Subscript - String

Summary - String

Superscript - String

TableBackground - String

TableCellProperties - String

TableProperties - String

TableTab - String

TableWizard - String

Underline - String

Undo - String

Units - String

ViewHtml - String

Width - String

WrapText - String

Editor - Editor

Disables the rerendering of the formatting marks.



Serialize current instance to Dictionary

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