Content - DiagramConnectionContentSettings
The color of the connection content text.
Editable - DiagramConnectionEditableSettings
Specifies the the toolbar tools. Supports all options supported for the toolbar.items. Predefined tools are: "edit" - The selected item can be edited or "delete" - The selected items can be deleted.
EndCap - DiagramConnectionEndCapSettings
The connection end cap fill options or color.
From - DiagramConnectionFromSettings
Defines the x-coordinate of the connection source.
FromConnector - String
Hover - DiagramConnectionHoverSettings
Defines the hover stroke configuration.
Points - List
Selection - DiagramConnectionSelectionSettings
Defines the connection selection handles configuration.
StartCap - DiagramConnectionStartCapSettings
The connection start cap fill options or color.
Stroke - DiagramConnectionStrokeSettings
Defines the stroke or line color of the connection.
To - DiagramConnectionToSettings
Defines the point x value.
ToConnector - String
Type - Nullable
Diagram - Diagram
The diagram data source configuration.
Serialize current instance to Dictionary