DataSource - DataSource
The number of available pages.
ConnectionsDataSource - DataSource
The number of available pages.
DataSourceId - String
AutoBind - Nullable
ConnectionDefaults - DiagramConnectionDefaultsSettings
Defines the label displayed on the connection path.
Connections - List
Editable - DiagramEditableSettings
Specifies the connection editor template which shows up when editing the connection. A template can be used to change the default editors for the connection fields or to prevent some fields from being edited by not rendering an editor input for them.
Layout - DiagramLayoutSettings
Defines where the circle/arc ends. The positive direction is clockwise and the angle is in degrees. This setting is specific to the radial tree layout.
Pannable - DiagramPannableSettings
The pannable key.
Pdf - DiagramPdfSettings
The author of the PDF document that will be visible in the PDF file metadata.
Selectable - DiagramSelectableSettings
Specifies if the multiple selection should be enabled.
ShapeDefaults - DiagramShapeDefaultsSettings
Defines the connectors the shape owns. A connector is the point in the shape where a connection between this shape and another one can originate from or end. "top" - top connector.; "right" - right connector.; "bottom" - bottom connector.; "bottomRight" - bottom right connector.; "left" - left connector. or "auto" - auto connector.. You can define your own custom connectors or use the predefined types.
Shapes - List
Template - String
TemplateId - String
TemplateHandler - String
Theme - String
Zoom - Nullable
ZoomMax - Nullable
ZoomMin - Nullable
ZoomRate - Nullable
Events - IDictionary
Id - String
SanitezeId - Boolean
Initializer - IJavaScriptInitializer
IsInClientTemplate - Boolean
IsSelfInitialized - Boolean
HasDeferredInitialization - Boolean
HtmlAttributes - IDictionary
HtmlHelper - IHtmlHelper
ModelMetadataProvider - IModelMetadataProvider
Name - String
Explorer - ModelExplorer
Selector - String
IdPrefix - String
ViewContext - ViewContext
ValueProvider - IValueProvider
UrlGenerator - IUrlGenerator
HtmlEncoder - HtmlEncoder
HasClientComponent - Boolean
UseMvvmInitialization - Boolean
Writes the initialization script.
writer - System.IO.TextWriter
The System.IO.TextWriter.
Serialize current instance to Dictionary
Renders the component.
Writes the deferred styes.
writer - System.IO.TextWriter
The writer.