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    <grid />
    <item-label />


Tag Name Details
autocomplete-editor AutoCompleteTagHelper
captcha-editor CaptchaTagHelper
checkboxgroup-editor CheckBoxGroupTagHelper
colorgradient-editor ColorGradientTagHelper
colorpalette-editor ColorPaletteTagHelper
colorpicker-editor ColorPickerTagHelper
combobox-editor ComboBoxTagHelper
dateinput-editor DateInputTagHelper
datepicker-editor DatePickerTagHelper
datetimepicker-editor DateTimePickerTagHelper
dropdownlist-editor DropDownListTagHelper
dropdowntree-editor DropDownTreeTagHelper
flatcolorpicker-editor FlatColorPickerTagHelper
form-items FormItemsTagHelper
grid FormGridSettingsTagHelper
item-label FormItemLabelSettingsTagHelper
maskedtextbox-editor MaskedTextBoxTagHelper
multicolumncombobox-editor MultiColumnComboBoxTagHelper
multiselect-editor MultiSelectTagHelper
numerictextbox-editor NumericTextBoxTagHelper
radiogroup-editor RadioGroupTagHelper
rating-editor RatingTagHelper
richtexteditor-editor EditorTagHelper
signature-editor SignatureTagHelper
slider-editor SliderTagHelper
switch-editor SwitchTagHelper
textarea-editor TextAreaTagHelper
textbox-editor TextBoxTagHelper
timedurationpicker-editor TimeDurationPickerTagHelper
timepicker-editor TimePickerTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
col-span Double Defines the field size when grid layout is used.
editor String Defines the id for the EditorTemplate.
editor-handler String Defines the editor widget type. Available options are: DropDown widgets - "AutoComplete", "DropDownList", "ComboBox", "MultiSelect", "DropDownTree", "MultiColumnComboBox"; DatePicker widgets - "DateInput", "DatePicker", "DateTimePicker", "TimePicker"; Input widgets - "TextBox", "TextArea", "NumericTextBox", "MaskedTextBox", "RadioGroup", "CheckBoxGroup", "Switch", "Rating", "Slider", "ColorPicker", "ColorGradient", "ColorPalette", "FlatColorPicker", "Signature", "hidden" or Editor widget - "Editor".
editor-template-id String Defines the id for the EditorTemplate.
editor-template-view IHtmlContent Defines the HTML content for the EditorTemplate.
field String Maps to the model field which will be configured and sets the name of the input.
hidden-editor Boolean Specifies the hidden state of the Editor.
hint String Defines the hint text that will be shown underneath the form editor.
html-attributes IDictionary<String,Object> Defines the attributes that are applied to the input element.
id String Defines the field id.
layout String Specify the layout of the item when items.type is set to "group". Valid options: grid: This is equivalent to display: grid. It defines the form item as a grid container and establishes a new grid formatting context for its contents..
title String Defines the field title.
type String Defines the type of the item. Available options: "group".
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