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    <label />
    <messages />
    <month-template />


Tag Name Details
animation DateTimePickerAnimationSettingsTagHelper
interval-settings IntervalSettingsTagHelper
label DateTimePickerLabelSettingsTagHelper
messages DateTimePickerMessagesSettingsTagHelper
month-template DateTimePickerMonthSettingsTagHelper
popup DateTimePickerPopupSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
adaptive-mode AdaptiveMode Specifies the adaptive rendering of the component.
aria-template String Specifies a template used to populate value of the aria-label attribute of the currently focused cell of the calendar. The parameters available for the template are: current - The current focused date.; valueType - The focused item value type - month, year and etc. or text - A text representing the focused value..
aria-template-handler String Specifies a template used to populate value of the aria-label attribute of the currently focused cell of the calendar. The parameters available for the template are: current - The current focused date.; valueType - The focused item value type - month, year and etc. or text - A text representing the focused value..
aria-template-id String Specifies a template used to populate value of the aria-label attribute of the currently focused cell of the calendar. The parameters available for the template are: current - The current focused date.; valueType - The focused item value type - month, year and etc. or text - A text representing the focused value..
aria-template-view IHtmlContent Specifies a template used to populate value of the aria-label attribute of the currently focused cell of the calendar. The parameters available for the template are: current - The current focused date.; valueType - The focused item value type - month, year and etc. or text - A text representing the focused value..
as-child-component Boolean
as-module Boolean
auto-adjust Boolean If this property is enabled and you have configured min and/or max values, and the user enters a value that falls out of that range, the value will automatically be set to either the minimum or maximum allowed value. This property has effect only when the dateInput of the component is enabled.
auto-correct-parts Boolean Sets a value that indicates whether to automatically correct the segment when out of range. In order to work, dateInput prop should be set to true.
component-type String Specifies the component type of the widget. "classic" - Uses the standard rendering of the widget. or "modern" - Uses new rendering with a fresh and modern look and feel..
culture String Specifies the culture info used by the widget.
date-input Boolean Specifies if the DateTimePicker will use DateInput for editing value
dates DateTime[] Specifies a list of dates, which will be passed to the month template of the DateView. All dates, which match the date portion of the selected date will be used to re-bind the TimeView.
depth CalendarView Specifies the navigation depth.
disable-dates-handler String Thue function that will be used to determine which dates to be disabled in the calendar.
end-time DateTime If set, specifies the latest time the TimeView can show.
fill-mode FillMode Sets a value controlling how the color is applied.
footer String The template which renders the footer of the calendar. If false, the footer will not be rendered.
format String Specifies the format, which is used to format the value of the DateTimePicker displayed in the input. The format also will be used to parse the input.For more information on date and time formats please refer to Date Formatting.
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
disable-dates DateTime[] An array or function that will be used to determine which dates to be disabled for selection by the widget.
for ModelExpression An expression to be evaluated against the current model.
has-client-component Boolean
interval Double Specifies the interval between values in the popup list. When the componentType is set to classic, the interval is specified in minutes (numeric values). or When the componentType is set to modern, the interval is specified as an object of hours, minutes and seconds..
max DateTime Specifies the maximum date, which the calendar can show.
min DateTime Specifies the minimum date that the calendar can show.
on-change String Triggered when the underlying value of a DateTimePicker is changed.
on-close String Fires when the calendar or the time drop-down list is closed
on-open String Fires when the calendar or the time drop-down list is opened
parse-formats String[] Specifies the formats, which are used to parse the value set with value() method or by direct input. If not set the value of the options.format and options.timeFormat will be used. Note that value of the format option is always used. The timeFormat value also will be used if defined.
rounded Rounded Sets a value controlling the border radius.
sanitize-id Boolean
script-attributes IDictionary<String,Object>
size ComponentSize Sets the size of the component.
start CalendarView If set, specifies the earliest time the TimeView can show.
start-time DateTime If set, specifies the earliest time the TimeView can show.
time-format String Specifies the format, which is used to format the values in the time drop-down list.
value DateTime Specifies the selected value.
week-number Boolean If set to true a week of the year will be shown on the left side of the calendar. It is possible to define a template in order to customize what will be displayed.
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