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Kendo UI for jQuery Globalization Overview

Globalization is the process of designing and developing an application that works in multiple cultures.

It combines localization (the translation of component messages) with internationalization (their adaptation to a specific culture). Cultures require and define particular information for their number formats, week and month names, date and time formats, and so on.

The Kendo UI culture scripts are generated from the Windows 10 and .NET 4.7 server-side culture definitions and match them by design. To customize the culture in your application, refer to the article on culture definition.

For more information, refer to:

Deprecated Support for GlobalizeJS 0.1

The GlobalizeJS 0.1 library is no longer supported by Kendo UI for jQuery and it is advisable not to use it. For more information, refer to issue #1354.

If you load GlobalizeJS, the default globalization features in Kendo UI are overridden. Some features might not work. For example, custom number formats are unsupported in this case.