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Web Browser Support

The Kendo UI components and framework components are designed to support all major web browsers and deliver a cross-browser compatibility, standards compliance, and touch-device support.

Most Kendo UI components have no specific limitations as of the browser versions they support.

Some features may not be available due to browser limitations.

Edge The two latest versions at the time of the release.
Chrome The two latest versions at the time of the release.
Firefox The two latest versions at the time of the release. This includes Firefox ESR releases (What is ESR?).
Opera The two latest versions at the time of the release.
Safari (OS X) The two latest versions at the time of the release.

Support for PDF Export

The Kendo UI PDF generator is tested and supported in the following desktop browsers:

  • Latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge.

Safari do not support the PDF-related option for saving files. To enable PDF export, you need to implement a server proxy.

Officially, PDF export is not supported on mobile because of browser limitations and CORS-related security restrictions in hybrid applications. For example, it is not possible to load locally stored font files in hybrid applications. Even though exporting in PDF will work on some mobile devices in specific scenarios, PDF export is not supported in mobile browsers and hybrid mobile applications.

Providing Best Performance

To boost the performance of your project:

  • Always use an up-to-date browser version.
  • Check Disable Script Debugging from your browser configuration options.

Notes on Web Browser Support

  • Browsers in beta stage are not supported.
  • Zoomed-in pages are not supported.
  • Zoomed-out pages are not supported. Different browsers handle sub-pixel calculations differently and zooming out the page may lead to unexpected behavior—for example, missing borders.
  • Exporting a zoomed-in or zoomed-out page to PDF is not supported.
  • Quirks mode is not supported.

    Always specify a DOCTYPE. Recommended DOCTYPEs include HTML5, XHTML 1.1, XHTML 1.0 Strict and HTML4 Strict. The HTML4 Transitional DOCTYPE fires the Quirks mode and must not be used. XHTML 1.0 Transitional works well in most cases, but may cause issues with the vertical positioning of icons. The correct syntax for all DOCTYPEs is provided on the W3C website.

  • Windows Universal apps and Cordova for Windows 10 environments are not supported, due to the sandbox restrictions of the environment. The recommended UI suite for this environment is UI for Windows Universal.

  • Unexpected behaviors that occur only in a hybrid application, but not in a standalone supported browser, are by default considered to be triggered by the hybrid environment and unrelated to Kendo UI.
  • It is advisable to use Internet Explorer Edge mode over a META tag or an HTTP header:

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
  • Kendo UI uses a progressive enhancement for its CSS styling. As a result, old and obsolete browsers may ignore CSS 3 styles such as rounded corners and linear gradients.