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RadPdfViewer Object

This article lists the client-side API of RadPdfViewer and how to use it.

To use the API, you must first get a reference to the control's client-side object. For example:

var pdfViewerObject = $find("<%=RadPdfViewer1.ClientID %>");

RadPdfViewer is a server-side wrapper over the Kendo UI PdfViewer Widget. Thus, it exposes the API of the underlying Kendo widget. To get a reference to the Kendo widget instance, you can do either of the following:

  • Use the get_kendoWidget() method of the MS AJAX wrapper:


    var pdfViewerObject  = $find("<%=RadPdfViewer1.ClientID %>"); //the standard script control object
    var kendoPdfViewerObject = pdfViewerObject.get_kendoWidget(); //the Kendo widget
  • Get the Kendo Widget in its usual way. Make sure to use the $telerik.$ jQuery reference:


    var kendoPdfViewer = $telerik.$("#<%=RadPdfViewer1.ClientID %>").data("kendoPDFViewer"); //the jQuery selector must get the RadPdfViewer1 wrapper span element

In addition to using the Kendo method directly, you can also use their wrappers that follow the MS AJAX convention through the RadPdfViewer client object.

Table1: Client-side methods exposed by the MS AJAX RadPdfViewer object

Name Parameters Return Type Description
activatePage Number none Loads and scrolls to the page by number.
addToolBarItem Object none Add new command to the nested in RadPdfViewer Toolbar widget. Accepts object with valid command configuration options.
dispose none none Disposes the PdfViewer client-side object (calls its underlying Kendo widget's destroy method). Once you call it, you will not be able to use the widget or control.
execute Object none Executes a command of the PDFViewer (calls its underlying Kendo widget's execute method). The available commands are: OpenCommand, PageChangeCommand, DownloadCommand, EnableSelectionCommandо, EnablePanCommand, ExportCommand, PrintCommand, OpenSearchCommand, ZoomCommand
fromFile String none Displays the file which path is passed as a parameter in the PDFViewer.
get_activePage none Number Returns the selected page number in the viewer.
get_defaultPageSize none Object Returns the default page size.
get_document none Object Returns a reference to the loaded document.
get_height none Number Returns the height of the PDFViewer.
get_kendoWidget none object Returns a reference to the underlying Kendo PdfViewer widget.
get_pageContainer none Object Returns a reference to the current page container.
get_pages none Array Returns a list of the pages in the loaded document.
get_processor none Object Returns a reference to the current PDF proccessor instance.
get_toolBar none Object Returns the a reference to the nested in the PdfViewer Kendo UI toolbar instance.
get_visible none Boolean Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the PdfViewer is visible.
get_width none Number Returns the width of the PDFViewer.
get_zoomMax none Number Returns the maximum zoom that could be applied to the pages.
get_zoomMin none Number Returns the minimum zoom that could be applied to the pages.
hide none none Hides the PdfViewer element.
hideToolBar none none Hides the element of the nested in the PdfViewer toolbar.
loadPage Number none Renders page canvas by number.
repaint Boolean none Repaints the control. The "force" argument determines whether the resizing routine should be executed even if the respective widget's outer dimensions have not changed.
set_activePage Number none Loads and scrolls to the page by number.
set_height Number none Specifies the height of the PDFViewer.
set_visible Boolean none Shows/Hides the PdfViewer element.
set_width Number none Specifies the width of the PDFViewer.
set_zoomMax Number none Specifies the maximum zoom that could be applied to the pages.
set_zoomMin Number none Specifies the minimum zoom that could be applied to the pages.
show none none Shows the PdfViewer element.
showToolBar none none Shows the element of the nested in the PdfViewer toolbar.

See Also

In this article