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Available for: Windows 8.1 | Windows Phone 8.1


If you are building business dashboards or you just need graphical indicators, you will find the new RadGauge control indispensable. With the rich assortment of circular, linear and numeric gauge types and the powerful customization capabilities of the control, you are free to build the exact dynamic data visualization tool that you need.

Key Features

RadGauge for Windows Universal offers many features. Some of them are:

  • Radial Gauge - Radial Gauge is a circular scale with numbers and ticks. It can display multiple scales and ranges.
  • Linear Gauges - Linear Gauge is a linear scale, which can display multiple scales and ranges.
  • Indicators - RadGauge for Windows Universal offers a large set of indicators suitable for many scenarios.
  • Rich Customization Capabilities - The gauges are extremely customizable with a variety of built-in behaviors starting from scales, indicators, labels, ticks etc.
  • Animations - All gauges support animation out of the box.