Available for: Windows 8.1 | Windows Phone 8.1

Arrow Indicator

The ArrowGaugeIndicator represents a specific value on the gauge scale as an arrow that points to this value. Its visual representation consists of an arrow head, an arrow shaft and a circular arrow tail.


The Arrow Indicator has one unique property plus several inherited properties.

ArrowGaugeIndicator class inherits from the BarGaugeIndicator class - See the inherited properties.

  • ArrowTailRadius (double): Gets or sets the radius of the arrow tail.


The following code sample shows how to add a ArrowGaugeIndicator to RadRadialGauge:

<telerik:RadRadialGauge LabelStep="60" TickStep="20" MaxValue="120" LabelRadiusScale="1.10" Width="200">
    <telerik:ArrowGaugeIndicator Brush="Green" Thickness="3" ArrowTailRadius="2" Value="60"/>


Rad Gauge-Arrow Indicator 265x 160