Available for: Windows 8.1 | Windows Phone 8.1

Ohlc Series Descriptor

Represents a concrete ChartSeriesDescriptor that may be used to create a financial series - OhlcSeries and CandlestickSeries.


The OhlcSeriesDescriptor class inherits from the ChartSeriesDescriptor class - See the inherited properties.

  • CategoryPath (string): Gets or sets the name of the property that points to the Category value of the data point view model.
  • DefaultType (Type): Default type of series is CandleStickSeries.
  • OpenPath (string): Gets or sets the name of the property that points to the Open value of the data point view model.
  • HighPath (string): Gets or sets the name of the property that points to the High value of the data point view model.
  • LowPath (string): Gets or sets the name of the property that points to the Low value of the data point view model.
  • ClosePath (string): Gets or sets the name of the property that points to the Close value of the data point view model.