Available for: Windows 8.1 | Windows Phone 8.1

CartesianSeries Class

The CartesianSeries class inherits from the base PointTemplateSeries class and adds notation for series that are used to visualize data points in the Cartesian coordinate system, by RadCartesianChart. Generally, the Cartesian series can be associated either with the owning chart's horizontal and vertical axes or they can be assigned arbitrary axis (axes), thus providing support for multiple-axes Cartesian chart.


CartesianSeries class inherits from the PointTemplateSeries class - See the inherited properties.

  • HorizontalAxis: Gets or sets the CartesianAxis instance that will be used to plot points along the horizontal (X) axis.

    The following code demonstrates how to specify a horizontal axis to a BarSeries.

  • VerticalAxis: Gets or sets the CartesianAxis instance that will be used to plot points along the vertical (Y) axis.

    The following code demonstrates how to specify a vertical axis to a BarSeries.
