Categorical Series Class
The CategoricalSeries abstract class inherits from the base CartesianSeries class and defines properties for chart series that can visualize categorical data that have category and value properties. The chart view model for such data is the CategoricalDataPoint class. A CategoricalSeries instance will require a CategoricalAxis and a LinearAxis axes applied either to the owning RadCartesianChar instance or locally to the series itself, using its HorizontalAxis and VerticalAxis properties.
CategoricalSeries class inherits from the CartesianSeries class - See the inherited properties.
- CombineMode: Gets or sets the combination mode to be used when data points are plotted. The available modes are:
None: The series are not combined - each series is plotted independently.
- Cluster: Series are combined next to each other (applicable for BarSeries).
- Stack: Series form stacks.
- Stack100: Series for stacks that occupy 100% of the plot area and the characterictic size of each series is proportional to its relative value.
- StackGroupKey: Gets or sets the key that defines in which stack group this series will be included, if its CombineMode equals Stack or Stack100.
- DataPoints: Gets the collection of data points associated with the series.
- ValueBinding: Defines a DataPointBinding instance that describes how the Value property will be retrieved from the underlying business object. This is used in data-bound scenarios.
- CategoryBinding: Defines a DataPointBinding instance that describes how the Category property will be retrieved from the underlying business object. This in data-bound scenarios.
The following code demonstrates how to set a PropertyNameDataPointBinding instance to the CategoryBinding and ValueBinding properties.
<telerikChart:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Value"/>
<telerikChart:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Category"/>
All binding-suffixed properties used in RadChart are of type DataPointBinding, rather than the system Binding type. This custom binding mechanism is implemented for performance reasons so that each DataPoint does not need to inherit from DependencyObject. Additionally, for even better performance or context-sensitive binding, the GenericDataPointBinding class may be used. All different data-binding related properties across all series follow this pattern.