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Stop or Cancel a Scheduled Job

Once you have configured your Scheduling setup with at least one execution machine connected and your current project is connected to the Scheduling service, you can proceed with scheduling test lists.

If a test list is scheduled to be executed any time in the future or is set for recurring runs, you may need to cancel the upcoming execution. There are a few ways to stop or cancel a scheduled job, once it has been submitted.

Delete an Upcoming Scheduled Test List from Calendar

In the Results tab when you hover over a scheduled job, a small X button appears. After clicking that Test Studio will prompt you for deleting the scheduled job.

X button Delete Series

Delete the Physical File That Represents the Scheduled Job

The scheduled job is actually a file on the disk on the machine which is hosting the scheduling server. Just find and delete the file.

  • If you are running it locally, it will be located by default at C:\Users\<yourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\Telerik\TestStudio\Scheduler\ScheduleStorage

  • If you are running it remotely, you have to look at the service account at

    C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Telerik\TestStudio\Scheduler\ScheduleStorage for 32-bit machines


    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Telerik\TestStudio\Scheduler\ScheduleStorage for 64-bit machines.

Use REST Web Service to Delete a Scheduled Job

The Scheduling communication uses a REST Web Service. If you are familiar with Fiddler's Composer tab you can send a delete call to http://:8009/Jobs/. In order to get the job ID, send a GET request to http://:8009/Jobs/

GET Request

Send GET request to the scheduling server


Get the ID of the scheduled job


Delete the scheduled job

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