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R3 2016 Changes and Dependencies

This article explains the manual changes required when upgrading to Telerik Reporting R3 2016 (

API Breaking Changes


The property Style is now obsolete. Please use GetStyle and SetStyle extension methods instead.

ObjectDataSource Component

When using ObjectDataSource component, it is now mandatory to declare the assembly that contains the used types in AssemblyReference section.

Report Events

Report Events are not intended to be used as a place/time to modify the report definition - Understanding Events. As of R3 2016 any changes on report definition in report events will not be taken into consideration during the Report Processing stage. Items definitions properties are read and stored before the processing is started. In previous versions changes may take effect, where all subsequent processing items will be modeled after the modified reporting item, leading to unexpected result.

Windows Forms Report Viewer

The event CancelEventHandler PrintBegin is now deprecated. Please use event PrintBeginEventHandler PrintBegin instead.

The event EventHandler PrintEnd is now deprecated. Please use event PrintEndEventHandler PrintEnd instead.

The event CancelEventHandler RenderingBegin is now deprecated. Please use event RenderingBeginEventHandler RenderingBegin instead.

The event EventHandler RenderingEnd is now deprecated. Please use event RenderingEndEventHandler RenderingEnd instead.

The method OnPrintBegin is now obsolete. Please use OnPrintBegin instead.

The method OnPrintEnd is now obsolete. Please use OnPrintEnd instead.

The method OnRenderingBegin is now obsolete. Please use OnRenderingBegin instead.

The method OnRenderingEnd is now obsolete. Please use OnRenderingEnd instead.

WPF Report Viewer

The event CancelEventHandler PrintBegin is now deprecated. Please use event PrintBeginEventHandler PrintBegin instead.

The event EventHandler PrintEnd is now deprecated. Please use event PrintEndEventHandler PrintEnd instead.

The event CancelEventHandler RenderingBegin is now deprecated. Please use event RenderingBeginEventHandler RenderingBegin instead.

The event EventHandler RenderingEnd is now deprecated. Please use event RenderingEndEventHandler RenderingEnd instead.

The method OnPrintBegin is now obsolete. Please use OnPrintBegin instead.

The method OnPrintEnd is now obsolete. Please use OnPrintEnd instead.

The method OnRenderingBegin is now obsolete. Please use OnRenderingBegin instead.

The method OnRenderingEnd is now obsolete. Please use OnRenderingEnd instead.



Binding expressions with static value for Size and Location properties now use InvariantCulture list separator - comma (,). For example: ="2cm, 1cm".

Page breaks settings

Page break on hidden section is now neglected.

Map item

The special "LocationProvider" expressions available for LocationMapSeries are now renamed to "Location".

WPF Report Viewer Dependencies

The viewer is build with Telerik UI Controls for WPF 2016.3.914.40. If you are using a newer version consider adding binding redirects. For more information see: How to Add report viewer to a WPF .NET Framework project.

Silverlight Report Viewer Dependencies

The viewer is build with Telerik UI Controls for Silverlight 2016.3.914.1050.

Standalone Report Designer

TRDX and TRDP files created by the Standalone Report Designer use schema version

Other Dependencies

HTML5 Report Viewer Dependencies

The HTML5 Report Viewer depends on the following libraries:

  • Telerik Kendo UI (2013.2.918 or later)

  • jQuery (1.9.1 or later)

ASP.NET WebAPI REST Report Service Dependencies

The ASP.NET WebAPI REST Report Service requires the following assemblies:

  • Microsoft ASP.NET Web API (4.0.20710.0 or later)

  • Newtonsoft.Json ( or later)

ServiceStack Report Service Dependencies

The ServiceStack Report Service uses ServiceStack (

CubeDataSource Dependencies

If you are using CubeDataSource, the version of your Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient should be or later.

Database Cache Provider Dependencies

If you are using Database Cache Provider, the version of your Telerik Data Access ORM should be 2015.1.225.1 or later.

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