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Q3 2013 Changes and Dependencies

This article explains the manual changes required when upgrading to Telerik Reporting Q3 2013 (

WPF Report Viewer Dependencies

The viewer is built with Telerik UI Controls for WPF 2013.3.1016.40. If you are using a newer version consider adding binding redirects. For more information see: How to Add report viewer to a WPF .NET Framework project.

Silverlight Report Viewer Dependencies

The viewer is built with Telerik UI Controls for Silverlight 2013.3.1016.1050.

Database Cache Provider

If you are using our Database Cache Provider you will have to upgrade Telerik Data Access assemblies to Q2 2013 SP1 or newer.


Telerik.Reporting.GraphSeries.Legend property is now obsolete. If you have used it in your code you have to change it to Telerik.Reporting.GraphSeries.LegendItem.Value property instead. Otherwise opening the report in the designer and making any changes will re-serialize the report definition with the new property.

CSV rendering

Byte order mark(BOM) is no longer written by default in CSV documents. This behavior can now be switched using the "WriteBOM" device info parameter.

Standalone Report Designer

TRDX files created by the Standalone Report Designer contain XML version

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