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Styling Tooltips in HTML5-based Report Viewers


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Project Type Web Application
Report Viewer HTML5 Report Viewers


Showing tooltips in a webpage is a very common task and there are lots of solutions for any magnitude of complexity. In our HTML5 Report Viewers, we decided to use another widget from the Kendo UI library – KendoUI Tooltip.

In this article, we will demonstrate some ways to control its properties and style its appearance.


Styling the tooltips using the Report Viewer template

  • The HTML5 report viewer markup is provided using a template file, which is obtained through a Telerik Reporting REST service instance. If you want to modify the template file, you need to copy it from {Telerik Reporting installation directory}\Html5\ReportViewer\templates folder to your project and reference it in your report viewer initialization script as shown below:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
                templateUrl: 'ReportViewer/templates/telerikReportViewerTemplate.html',…,
    • KendoUI Tooltip’s content can accept valid HTML and we provide this content using the template. The template ID is “trv-pages-area-kendo-tooltip” and it consists of three div elements – the first one is a container for the other two that are used for thetitle and the text respectively:

      <template id="trv-pages-area-kendo-tooltip">
          <div class="trv-pages-area-kendo-tooltip">
              <div class="trv-pages-area-kendo-tooltip-title"></div>
              <div class="trv-pages-area-kendo-tooltip-text"></div>
    • The styling of each of the div elements can be controlled by its CSS class. The .css file that contains the styling is named telerikReportViewer.css and, similar to the report viewer template file, can be found at {Telerik Reporting installation directory}\Html5\ReportViewer\styles folder. It provides some very basic styling for the tooltip:

      .trv-pages-area-kendo-tooltip {
              font-size: 0.7em;
      .trv-pages-area-kendo-tooltip-title {
              font-weight: bold;
      .trv-pages-area-kendo-tooltip-text {
          font-weight: normal;

      You can apply your preferred CSS-styling here and it will affect all the tooltips displayed in the report viewer.

  • If you modify the CSS, you should update the template CSS link to point to the modified CSS file:

    <link href="styles/my-telerikReportViewer.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Styling the tooltips at runtime using CSS

You can also provide styling for the tooltips directly on the page via the style element – usually where you declare the report viewer definition. For example:

    .trv-pages-area-kendo-tooltip {
        background: DarkSeaGreen!important;

    .trv-pages-area-kendo-tooltip-text {
        font-style: italic;

Styling the tooltips at runtime using JavaScript

Using the viewerToolTipOpening(e, args) event, we can make changes to the tooltip right before it is displayed.

For example, if we wish to display a multi-line text in the tooltip's text element, the \n characters will have to be replaced with the <br /> element. This is where the event will come in handy, for example:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
            viewerToolTipOpening: function (e, args) {
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        let elements = document.getElementsByClassName(
                        for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                            const el = elements[i];
                            el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.replace(/\n/g, "<br />");
                    }, 100)

Create your own tooltips

In case you need a custom solution for your tooltips, you can create your own ones, using the information provided in the data-tooltip attributes of the report viewer content. In the following example, we will show you how to create tooltips using jQueryUI Tooltip widget:

  • First, declare the jQuery UI library and the corresponding CSS Styles in your page. Here is a link to a CDN source:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src=""></script>

    If the above links become non-functional, consider replacing them with working ones. Here is a link to the jQuery UI – Releases.

  • Then you need to subscribe to an appropriate event that will be raised from the report viewer. In this case, the pageReady() event is suitable, because all the content will be ready and we can select the report items by their data-tooltip attributes. We will also add a handler to the viewerToolTipOpening(e, args) event and explain its usage later:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
                viewerToolTipOpening: onToolTipOpening,
                pageReady: onPageReady,
  • In the onPageReady() event, we will select all the elements that have either set tooltip title or text and create a new instance of the jQuery Tooltip for each one of them:

    function onPageReady(e, args) { 
                var selector = "[data-tooltip-title],[data-tooltip-text]";
                $(selector).each(function (i) {
                        var $this = $(this);
                        var title = $this.attr("data-tooltip-title");
                        var text = $this.attr("data-tooltip-text");
                                items: selector,
                                content: title + "<br />" + text,
                                position: {
                                        my: "left top",
                                        at: "center bottom"
  • Additionally, we need to cancel the appearance of the default KendoUI tooltips when hovering over an item. We will use the viewerToolTipOpening(e, args) handler that we declared earlier, because it provides a cancel flag:

    function onToolTipOpening(e, args) {
        if (args) {
                args.cancel = true;
  • Depending on the position of your report viewer, you may have to set the tooltips position to absolute in the <style> section of your page:

    .ui-tooltip {
        position: absolute;
In this article