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Set the File Path of JSON or CSV DataSource Through Report Parameter


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting


This article explains how to set the file path of the CSV or JSON file of JSON DataSource or CSV DataSource through a Report Parameter.


You can use the Utility function GetUri/Uri to set the CSV/JSON file through a report parameter. 1) Add a report parameter called uriParameter; 2) Set the Binding property of the data item(report, table, list, crosstab) that will use the datasource. In this example, we will set it to the table:

Property path: DataSource.Source

Expression: = GetUri(Parameters.uriParameter.Value, "relative")

Workaround for older versions

If the GetUri/ Uri function is not available in the report designer, the desired functionality can be also achieved through and User function that returns the Uri of the CSV or JSON file based on the passed report parameter. You can follow the steps below: 1) Create a new Class Library and add the method below. In this case, the sample is for the absolute path:

public static Uri setCsvSource(string path)
    string filePath = path;
    Uri pathFile = new Uri(filePath, UriKind.Absolute);
    return pathFile;

2) Build the project;

3) Register the generated dll as it is explained in the Extending Report Designer article. You will need to open the Telerik.ReportDesigner.exe.config file and add the following XML:

            <add name="MyUserFunction" />

4) Set the following Binding to the data item that uses the datasource: Property path: DataSource.Source

Expression: = MyUserFunction.Class1.setCsvSource(Parameters.csvSource.Value)

Parameters.csvSource.Value should hold the path to the CSV file.

5) If you display the report in the ASP.NET Framework application, you will need to register the DLL in the web.config file of the project too:

        <add name="MyUserFunction" />

If the project is .NET Core, you will need to add the following piece of code in the appsettings.json file:

 "telerikReporting": {
   "assemblyReferences": [
       "name": "MyUserFunction"


You can find a sample report with the Uri/GetUri function and a project with for the User Function and a report that uses it in our GitHib repository.

In this article