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Showing the Page Scroll Mode Button


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Version Q2 2012 and later
Report Viewers HTML5-Based Web Viewers


How can I show the Scroll mode button of the page in the HTML5 Viewer toolbar area?


To achieve the required scenario, accomplish the following steps. Note that you have to adapt all path references in the article according to your project setup. For more information, refer to the ASP.NET Web Project Paths MSDN article. The mentioned Report Viewer Template files are provided with your Telerik Reporting Installation.

  1. Find the Telerik Report Viewer template in your installation folder located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting R1 2022\Html5\ReportViewer\templates.

  2. Copy the template in your application folder. If you are using the default template, copy the template in telerikReportViewerTemplate- If you are using a Font Awesome template, copy the template in telerikReportViewerTemplate-FA-

  3. Specify and resolve the templateUrl path of the HTML5 Viewer widget option to the copied template.

  4. Add buttons elements in your local template. The following elements have to be added:

    • (For desktop screens, default template) Copy the following element in the ul element with the trv-main-menu-ul id attribute.

      <li aria-label="ariaLabelMenuContinuousScroll"><a data-command="telerik_ReportViewer_pageMode" title="menuContinuousScrollTitle" href="#"><i class="t-font-icon t-i-scroll"></i></a></li>
    • (For desktop screens, Font Awesome template) Copy the following element in the ul element with the trv-main-menu-ul id attribute.

      <li aria-label="ariaLabelMenuContinuousScroll"><a data-command="telerik_ReportViewer_pageMode" title="menuContinuousScrollTitle" href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-down icon-angle-double-down"></i></a></li>
    • (For mobile screensCopy, default template) Copy the following element in the ul element with the trv-side-menu-ul id attribute.

      <li aria-label="ariaLabelMenuContinuousScroll"><a data-command="telerik_ReportViewer_pageMode" title="menuContinuousScrollTitle" href="#"><i class="t-font-icon t-i-scroll"></i><span>menuContinuousScrollText</span></a></li>
    • (For mobile screensCopy, Font Awesome template) Copy the following element in the ul element with the trv-side-menu-ul id attribute.

      <li aria-label="ariaLabelMenuContinuousScroll"><a data-command="telerik_ReportViewer_pageMode" title="menuContinuousScrollTitle" href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-down icon-angle-double-down"></i><span>menuContinuousScrollText</span></a></li>

      See Also

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