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Toolbar Icons Overview

The Native Angular Report Viewer uses Kendo SVG Icons for the icons displayed in its toolbar. The default toolbar icons can be changed with any SVG icon from the Kendo SVG Icons List.

Setting a new Kendo SVG Icon on the toolbar

In the component with the report viewer, import the @progress/kendo-svg-icons package(it is automatically installed with the report viewer as peer dependency).

In the below example, we will demonstrate how to change the 'Stop Rendering' button's default icon:

        report: 'Report Catalog.trdx',
        parameters: {}
import { Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ReportingAngularViewerComponent } from '@progress/telerik-angular-native-report-viewer'
import { ReportSourceOptions } from '@progress/telerik-common-report-viewer'
import { xOutlineIcon } from '@progress/kendo-svg-icons'

        selector: 'app-root',
        templateUrl: './app.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']

    export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
        title = 'Native Angular Report Viewer Demo';

        @ViewChild('viewer') public viewer!: ReportingAngularViewerComponent;

            this.viewer.xCircleIcon = xOutlineIcon;

Toolbar Icons List

Icon Property Purpose
undoIcon Navigate Backward
redoIcon Navigate Forward
xCircleIcon Stops Report Rendering
arrowRotateCwIcon Refreshes the Report Viewer
rewindIcon Returns the Report to the first page
caretAltToLeftIcon Goes to the previous page
caretAltToRightIcon Goes to the next page
forwardIcon Navigates to the last page of the report
fileTxtIcon Sets interactive viewmode
alignLeftIcon Sets printPreview viewmode
printIcon Opens the browser's Print Dialog
downloadIcon Opens the Export Dropdown
zoomOutIcon Zooms in the Report
zoomInIcon Zooms out the Report
searchIcon Open the Search Dialog
positionLeftIcon Show/hide the Document Map
positionRightIcon Show/hide the Parameters Area

See Also

In this article