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Importing Reports Created with the Standalone or Web Report Designer

Should you need to import your existing reports created with the Standalone Report Designer our recommendation is to use the TRDX|TRDP converter available in the Import Report Wizard.

The result will be a class inheriting Telerik.Reporting.Report, that can be loaded in Visual Studio Report Designer.

In general, Telerik Reports are Telerik.Reporting.Report objects that can be serialized in TRDX files, or compressed TRDP files. The XML definition has a schema version that is updated in case of API changes in the released reporting functionality. It is important to use a version of Standalone Report Designer that matches the version of Telerik Reporting assemblies used to create the .NET report definition. For more information, please refer to XML Report Definition (XML Schema Versioning section). This guarantees that you are using the same version of the Telerik Reporting engine to create and process reports.

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