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Keyboard Support and Shortcuts Overview

When you work in Standalone Report Designer, you have access to many shortcut keys to improve your report designing experience.

Standalone Report Designer provides many right-click menus for quick access to frequently used dialog boxes and commands. Right-click menus are dynamic and may contain different options, depending on the user configuration and the currently selected objects.

Description Key Combination
Opens the backstage New report view. CTRL+N
Opens the backstage Open report view. CTRL+O
Save a report. CTRL+S
Opens the backstage Save as report view. F12
Save all open and modified reports. CTRL+SHIFT+S
Run the report. F5
Switch to design mode. F6
Paste CTRL+V
Delete the selected section or item. DELETE
Select all. CTRL+A
Move to the next report section or item. TAB
Move to the previous report section or item. SHIFT+TAB
Move the currently selected item within it's container. Arrow keys (UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT)
Resize the currently selected item. SHIFT+Arrow keys
Select the parent container. ESC
Make the selection bold. CTRL+B
Make the selection italic. CTRL+I
Make the selection underline. CTRL+U
Enable in-line editor. F2
Zoom in. CTRL+Plus sign (+)
Zoom out. CTRL+Minus sign (-)
Zoom in on map view area when a map viewport is selected. CTRL+Plus sign (+)
Zoom out on map view area when a map viewport is selected. CTRL+Minus sign (-)
Close the current report tab. CTRL+F4
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