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Creating New Reports

Invoke the desktop Report Designer in order to create a new report on the server.

new report

The Report Designer will be started using the ClickOnce deployment technology. You can use a browser extension which adds support for the ClickOnce deployment technology. In case ClickOnce is not supported in your browser, clicking the New Report button will bring up a notification containing the Report Designer download link. Use the link to download and start the designer manually. In case you are experiencing issues with the ClickOnce deployment, you can try to clear the online application cache with the Mage.exe (Manifest Generation and Editing Tool) or use rundll32 dfshim CleanOnlineAppCache command.

If you add a ReportBook to the Report Server or use SubReport item or NavigateToReport action in your reports stored in the Report Server, ensure the ReportSources are properly referenced, with their [CategoryName]/[ReportName] as explained in the article Working with Report Server Reports.

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