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Troubleshooting Report Server


Product Progress® Telerik® Report Server


Sometimes it is possible to experience problems with the Report Server the reasons for which are not apparent. For example, restricted permission for accessing the File Storage, Internal Server Errors due to inaccessible Storage or missing/corrupted report resources (e.g. invalid image), etc.


We recommend using the following basic approaches for troubleshooting :

  1. Check whether there are any errors in the browser console.

  2. Use Fiddler to see the exact requests from the Viewer of the Report Server Manager to the Report Server REST Service, and the corresponding responses - they may indicate what has failed.

  3. Attach a Trace Listener to the Report Server. The generated log should contain the entire Stack Trace of the error causing the failure. This can be done in the Web.config file of the Report Server application. By default, it is in the (Telerik Report Server installation folder)\Telerik.ReportServer.Web (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Report Server\Telerik.ReportServer.Web). The code for enabling the Trace Listener may look like :

            <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4">
                <add name="myListener" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener" initializeData="c:\temp\ReportServer.LOG" />            
                <remove name="Default" />
  4. For issues related to Scheduled Tasks, it's recommended to set up a Trace Listener in Report Server Service Agent configuration file. Please check Telerik Report Server Service Agent is not running KB article for details.

  5. Additional information may also be logged in machine's Windows Events. You may use the Event Viewer to inspect the events logged from w3wp or serviceAgent processes and see if there is any useful information.

If the problem persists, you may open a support ticket and send us in an archive (ZIP/RAR file) the SAZ file recorded by Fiddler, the log file generated by the Trace Listeners and Windows Event Viewer while experiencing the issue. Including the steps which have to be followed in order to reproduce the issue may speed up the diagnostic process.

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