Zoom on a Map Area
Product | Progress® Kendo UI® Map for jQuery |
Operating System | Windows 10 64bit |
Visual Studio Version | Visual Studio 2017 |
Preferred Language | JavaScript |
How can I center the map view on a specified area in the Kendo UI for jQuery Map?
To define the area, use a set of markers. You can use any list of locations. Then, you need to build an extent
that encompasses all locations and set it on the map as a visible area.
<button id="center">Center on markers</button>
<div id="map"></div>
var markers = [
{"latlng":[30.2675,-97.7409], "name": "Zevo Toys"},
{"latlng": [30.2707,-97.7490],"name": "Foo Bars"},
{"latlng": [30.2705,-97.7409],"name": "Mainway Toys"},
{"latlng": [30.2686,-97.7494], "name": "Acme Toys"}];
layers: [{
type: "tile",
urlTemplate: "http://#= subdomain #.tile.openstreetmap.org/#= zoom #/#= x #/#= y #.png",
subdomains: ["a", "b", "c"],
attribution: "© <a href='http://osm.org/copyright'>OpenStreetMap contributors</a>."
}, {
type: "marker",
dataSource: {
data: markers
locationField: "latlng",
titleField: "name"
function centerMap() {
var map = $("#map").getKendoMap();
var layer = map.layers[1];
var markers = layer.items;
var extent;
for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
var loc = markers[i].location();
if (!extent) {
extent = new kendo.dataviz.map.Extent(loc, loc);
} else {