Toggle CheckBox Selection for All TreeView Nodes
Product | Progress® Kendo UI® TreeView for jQuery |
Product Version | 2018.2.620 |
How can I check and uncheck all checkboxes for all nodes in a Kendo UI TreeView with an external button?
Use the jQuery library and trigger the change
//Uncheck All Nodes
$("#treeview .k-checkbox-wrapper input").prop("checked", false).trigger("change");
//Check All Nodes
$("#treeview .k-checkbox-wrapper input").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
The following example demonstrates how to implement a Toggle button which, depending on the value of the button, will check or uncheck all checkboxes in the TreeView.
<input type="button" value="Uncheck" id="checkButton" onclick="toggleCheckAll()" class="k-button" />
<h4>Check/Uncheck All Nodes</h4>
<div id="treeview"></div>
checkboxes: {
checkChildren: true
dataSource: [{
id: 1, text: "My Documents", expanded: true, spriteCssClass: "rootfolder", checked: true, items: [
id: 2, text: "Kendo UI Project", expanded: true, spriteCssClass: "folder", items: [
{ id: 3, text: "about.html", spriteCssClass: "html" },
{ id: 4, text: "index.html", spriteCssClass: "html" },
{ id: 5, text: "logo.png", spriteCssClass: "image" }
id: 6, text: "New Website", expanded: true, spriteCssClass: "folder", items: [
{ id: 7, text: "mockup.jpg", spriteCssClass: "image" },
{ id: 8, text: "Research.pdf", spriteCssClass: "pdf" },
id: 9, text: "Reports", expanded: true, spriteCssClass: "folder", items: [
{ id: 10, text: "February.pdf", spriteCssClass: "pdf" },
{ id: 11, text: "March.pdf", spriteCssClass: "pdf" },
{ id: 12, text: "April.pdf", spriteCssClass: "pdf" }
function toggleCheckAll(){
var checkButtonValue = $("#checkButton").val();
if(checkButtonValue == "Uncheck"){
$("#treeview .k-checkbox-wrapper input").prop("checked", false).trigger("change");
} else {
$("#treeview .k-checkbox-wrapper input").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");