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How To Display Selected Ranges from Spreadsheet in Tooltips


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Spreadsheet for jQuery Progress® Kendo UI® Tooltip for jQuery


How can I get the data of the selected range in the Spreadsheet and display it in Kendo UI for jQuery Tooltip?


  1. Use the Tooltip filter configuration option to display the Tooltip only over the selected range.
  2. In the content function of the Tooltip get the values of the selected cells using the Range values() method.
  3. Use the returned array with values to format the content of the Tooltip and return it as a content result.
        width: 300px;

    <div id="spreadsheet" style="width: 100%"></div>
      $(function() {
        var crudServiceBaseUrl = "";

        var dataSource = new{
          transport: {
            read: onRead
          schema: {
            model: {
              id: "ProductID",
              fields: {
                ProductID: { type: "number" },
                ProductName: { type: "string" },
                UnitPrice: { type: "number" },
                Discontinued: { type: "boolean" },
                UnitsInStock: { type: "number" }

          columns: 20,
          rows: 100,
          toolbar: false,
          sheetsbar: false,
          sheets: [{
            name: "Products",
            dataSource: dataSource,
            rows: [{
              height: 40,
              cells: [
                  bold: "true",
                  background: "#9c27b0",
                  textAlign: "center",
                  color: "white"
                  bold: "true",
                  background: "#9c27b0",
                  textAlign: "center",
                  color: "white"
                  bold: "true",
                  background: "#9c27b0",
                  textAlign: "center",
                  color: "white"
                  bold: "true",
                  background: "#9c27b0",
                  textAlign: "center",
                  color: "white"
                  bold: "true",
                  background: "#9c27b0",
                  textAlign: "center",
                  color: "white"
            columns: [
              { width: 100 },
              { width: 415 },
              { width: 145 },
              { width: 145 },
              { width: 145 }

          filter: 'div.k-spreadsheet-selection',
          content: function(e){
            var spreadsheet = $('#spreadsheet').data('kendoSpreadsheet')
            var selectedValues = spreadsheet.activeSheet().selection().values();

            var result = '<table class="tooltip-result"><thead>Selection:</thead>';
              result += '<tr>'
                result += ('<td>' + subItem + '</td>');
              result += '</tr>'

            result += '</table>';
            return result;
          show: function(e){

        function onRead(options) {
            url: crudServiceBaseUrl + "/Products",
            dataType: "jsonp",
            success: function (result) {
            error: function (result) {

See Also

In this article