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Add Fonts to the Spreadsheet Fonts List


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Spreadsheet for jQuery
Operating System All
Browser All
Preferred Language JavaScript


How can I add a font to the drop-down font list of the Spreadsheet?


  1. Reference the stylesheet of the font.
  2. Set the list with the fonts to the reference of the DropDownList which contains the fonts.
  3. Implement the select event of the widget.
  4. Check the current selection and apply the selected font.
    <div id="spreadsheet"></div>
            sheets: [{
                rows: [{
                    cells: [{ value: "A" }, { value: "B" }, { value: "C" }]
                }, {
                    cells: [{ value: "1" }, { value: "2" }, { value: "3" }]
                }, {
                    cells: [{ value: "4" }, { value: "5" }, { value: "6" }]
                }, {
                    cells: [{ value: "Lorem ipsum" },
                            { value: "sed do eiusmod" },
                            { value: "Ut enim ad minim" }]
            pdf: {
                area: "selection"

        var spreadsheet = $("#spreadsheet").data("kendoSpreadsheet");

        var ddls = $('.k-spreadsheet-toolbar [data-role="dropdownlist"]')[0];
        var ddl = $(ddls).data("kendoDropDownList");
        var dataSource = new{
                    data: [ "Arial", "Verdana", "Lobster" ]

        ddl.bind("select", onSelect);

        function onSelect(e){           
            var fontName = e.item.text();
            var spreadsheet = $("#spreadsheet").data("kendoSpreadsheet");
            var sheet = spreadsheet.activeSheet();    
            var selection = sheet.selection();
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