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Show Context Menu over Diagram Shapes


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Diagram for jQuery
Operating System Windows 10 64bit
Visual Studio Version Visual Studio 2017
Preferred Language JavaScript


How can I show a Kendo UI ContextMenu when pressing the right button of the mouse over the Diagram shapes?


To achieve this behavior:

  1. Initialize a Kendo UI ContextMenu setting its target as the ID of the Diagram and filter it by a g element.
  2. Handle the open event of the ContextMenu. If the target is a connection, it is possible to cancel the event. If the target is a shape, it is possible to store the dataItem in a variable.
  3. Handle the select event of the ContextMenu where you can perform a custom action based on the context of the shape.

<ul id="menu">
    <li> Reply to Sender</li>
    <li>Reply to All</li>
<li class="k-separator"></li>
<div id="diagram"></div>

    var data = [{
            firsLastName : "Antonio Moreno",
            title : "Team Lead",
            colorScheme : "#1696d3",
            items : [{
                    firsLastName : "Elizabeth Brown",
                    title : "Design Lead",
                    colorScheme : "#ef6944"
                }, {
                    firsLastName : "Felipe Izquiedro",
                    title : "Senior Developer",
                    colorScheme : "#75be16"

    function visualTemplate(options) {
        var dataviz = kendo.dataviz;
        var g = new dataviz.diagram.Group();
        var dataItem = options.dataItem;

        g.append(new dataviz.diagram.Rectangle({
                width : 210,
                height : 75,
                stroke : {
                    width : 0
                fill : {
                    gradient : {
                        type : "linear",
                        stops : [{
                                color : dataItem.colorScheme,
                                offset : 0,
                                opacity : 0.5
                            }, {
                                color : dataItem.colorScheme,
                                offset : 1,
                                opacity : 1

        g.append(new dataviz.diagram.TextBlock({
                text : dataItem.firsLastName,
                x : 55,
                y : 20,
                fill : "#fff"

        g.append(new dataviz.diagram.TextBlock({
                text : dataItem.title,
                x : 55,
                y : 40,
                fill : "#fff"
        return g;

    function createDiagram() {
            dataSource : new{
                data : data,
                schema : {
                    model : {
                        children : "items"
            layout : {
                type : "layered"
            shapeDefaults : {
                visual : visualTemplate
            connectionDefaults : {
                stroke : {
                    color : "#979797",
                    width : 2

        var diagram = $("#diagram").getKendoDiagram();

        var contextDataItem;

            target : "#diagram",
            filter : "g",
            open : function (e) {
                if (e.event) {
                    try {
                        var shapes = diagram.shapes;
                        var connections = diagram.connections;

                        var point = diagram.documentToModel(new kendo.dataviz.diagram.Point(e.event.pageX, e.event.pageY));

                        //Cancel the menu opening when the target is a connection
                        for (var i = connections.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                            if (connections[i].bounds().contains(point)) {
                        //Find the target shape
                        for (var i = shapes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                            if (shapes[i].bounds().contains(point)) {
                                contextDataItem = shapes[i].dataItem;
                    } catch (e) {
            select : function (e) {
                var itemText = $(e.item).text();
                alert(kendo.format("{0}: {1}", itemText, contextDataItem.firsLastName));


See Also

In this article