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Make Kendo UI Window Responsive


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Window for jQuery Progress® Telerik® UI Window for ASP.NET MVC Progress® Telerik® UI Window for ASP.NET Core


How can I make a Kendo UI Window responsive so that it reacts to changes in the size of the viewport and adapts to small screens? How can I improve readability and avoid having tiny content on small devices?


To display a responsive Window:

  1. Set the size of the Window in percentage values by using its width and height options to make it responsive.
  2. (Optional) Define a maxWidth and maxHeight to limit the size of the Window on large screens to a certain portion.
  3. Hook to the show event of the Window to maximize it for small screens. As a result, when the user maximizes the Window, the Window will automatically react to changes in the viewport size as well.
<div id="theWindow">
    lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

<button id="btnShowDiag" class="k-button k-button-md k-rounded-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base">Show dialog</button>
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var myWindow = $("#theWindow")

        $("#btnShowDiag").click(function() {

          function adjustSize() {
            // For small screens, maximize the window when it is shown.
            // You can also make the check again in $(window).resize if you want to
            // but you will have to change the way to reference the widget and then
            // to use $("#theWindow").data("kendoWindow").
            // Alternatively, you may want to .center() the window.

            if ($(window).width() < 800 || $(window).height() < 600) {

            width: "90%",
            height: "90%",

            // (Optional) Will limit the percentage dimensions as well:
            // maxWidth: 1200,
            // maxHeight: 800,

            title: "Responsive dialog",
            visible: false,
            actions: [
            open: adjustSize

        .Content(@<text> lorem ipsum dolor sit amet </text>)
        .Actions(a => a.Close())
        .Events(e => e.Open("adjustSize"))

        .Content("Open the Window")
        .HtmlAttributes(new { type = "button" })
        .Events(events => events.Click("openWnd"))
    function openWnd() {
        var wnd = $("#windowDetails").data("kendoWindow");
        var opts = wnd.options;
        //opts.maxHeight = 600;
        //opts.maxWidth = 1200;
        // Set "responsive" size, you may want to .center() on $(window).resize because the relative position between the window and the viewport will change.
        // The constraints above apply, however, and are most useful when the window is resizable by the end user. The example here demonstrates that you can use them
        // but in the provided configuration they may not be needed. You can find the full set of options the widget can take in the following article:

        opts.height = "90%";
        opts.width = "90%";

        // With the MVC wrapper, you need to set dimensions options through the setOptions() method.
        // Future versions may allow you to set width and height as percentage strings in the
        // wrapper methods too, so you can check that and you may be able to remove this function.

    function adjustSize() {
        // For small screens, maximize the window when it is shown.
        // You can also make the check again in $(window).resize if you want to but you will have to change the way to reference the widget and then
        // to use a similar approach as the function above.

        if ($(window).width() < 800 || $(window).height() < 600) {

To prevent the content from being too small on mobile devices, use a @media query which enlarges the fonts on them.

@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
    html body {
        font-size: 20px;
            color: red; /* In this way, you can easily tell when this is in effect.*/

See Also

In this article