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Prevent the Dragging of Nodes to Deep TreeView Levels


Product Progress® Kendo UI® TreeView for jQuery
Operating System Windows 10 64bit
Visual Studio Version Visual Studio 2017
Preferred Language JavaScript


How can I prevent the nodes from being dragged to a deeper tree level in the Kendo UI for jQuery TreeView?


The following example demonstrates how to handle the drag event to achieve this behavior.

    <div id="treeview"></div>
      dragAndDrop: true,
      dataSource: [
        { text: "foo", expanded: true, items: [
          { text: "bar", expanded: true, items: [
            { text: "baz", expanded: true, items: [
              { text: "qux" },
              { text: "cat" },
              { text: "dog" }
            ] }
          ] }
        ] }

    var treeview = $("#treeview").data("kendoTreeView");

    treeview.bind("drag", function(e) {
      // If the current status is "add", then the node will be appended.
      if (e.statusClass == "add") {
        var destination = this.dataItem(e.dropTarget);

        // If the (zero-based) destination level is 3,
        // allowing the operation will result in a 5-level tree..
        if (destination.level() == 3) {
          // Deny the operation.

See Also

In this article