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NumericTextBox Throws Error on Initialization


Product Progress® Kendo UI® NumericTextBox for jQuery


When calling the kendoNumericTextBox() method to create or customize a NumericTextBox widget, I get the Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_move' of undefined error.

Possible Causes

This error is observed when you initialize a NumericTextBox from the same input element more than once. The reason for this behavior is due, but not limited, to the following scenarios:

  • You create the NumericTextBox by using a Kendo UI for ASP.NET MVC wrapper. Then, you try to call the kendoNumericTextBox() method to apply new settings.
  • You create the NumericTextBox by using an MVVM declarative initialization (data-role='numerictextbox' setting). Then, you try to call the kendoNumericTextBox() method to apply the settings.
  • You create the NumericTextBox by using the kendoNumericTextBox() method. Then, you call it again to apply new settings.

All these scenarios lead to the same result—the NumericTextBox initializes multiple times, which triggers the error message.


  1. Identify where the double initialization occurs and refactor that code to apply changes to the existing NumericTextBox instance. To do this, access the widget through one of the following methods:

        var numeric = $("#numericId").data("kendoNumericTextBox");
        // or
        var numeric = $("#numericId").getKendoNumericTextBox();
        // apply changes
  2. If the changes that you need to apply cannot be set to an existing NumericTextBox instance and you need to completely recreate the widget, first destroy it. The NumericTextBox renders an additional input element and wrapping span elements around the original <input id="numericId" /> element.

  3. Take this input out of the rendered NumericTextBox and remove the wrapper element.

The following example demonstrates how to destroy and recreate a NumericTextBox.

    <button id="destroy">Destroy and recreate without spinners</button>
      <input id="numeric" />
      $(function() {

        $("#destroy").click(function() {
            spinners: false

        function destroyNumeric(){
          var numeric = $("#numeric").data("kendoNumericTextBox");
          var origin =;


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