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Display Additional Error Notification


Product Version 2017.1 117
Product Progress® Kendo UI® NumericTextBox for jQuery


How can I provide additional notification that the NumericTextBox value must be a number to the user?


  1. In the document ready event handler, append the desired span by using the k-numeric-wrap class selector.
  2. Display the span when the NumericTextBox has the k-invalid class by using CSS.

        span.myInvalid {
            position: relative;
            top: 30px;
            left: -130px;
            color: red;
            visibility: hidden;
        .k-invalid>span.myInvalid {
            visibility: visible;
    <input id="textbox">
            value: 10
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $(".k-numeric-wrap").append("<span class='myInvalid'>Enter a number!</span>");
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