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Display Images in Menu Items When Using Sitemap Binding


Product Progress® Telerik® UI Menu for ASP.NET MVC
Operating System All
Browser All
Preferred Language C#


How can I display images, which are set to different URLs, for the items in the .xml file to which I am binding the Menu?


  1. Store the image URL as an attribute value in the .xml file where the image attribute is used for that purpose.
    <siteMapNode controller="menu" action="sitemapbinding" title="Baseball" image="/Content/shared/icons/sports/baseball.png" />
  1. Access the attribute in the binding configuration of the Menu and set its value as an ImageUrl value.
        .BindTo("sample", (item, value) => {
            if (value.Attributes["image"] != null)
                item.ImageUrl = value.Attributes["image"].ToString();
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