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Bind Change Event Function to All MaskedTextBox Widgets


Product Progress® Kendo UI® MaskedTextBox for jQuery
Product Version Created with the 2017.3.1026 version


How can I bind the change events of all MaskedTextBoxes to a single event handler function?


To bind all the widgets, utilize any of the following approaches:

After the Page Loads

  1. After all the MaskedTextBoxes initialize, select them with the jQuery data-role attribute selector.
  2. Loop through the array and attach the change handler to every MaskedTextBox.
<input id="maskedtextbox1" />
<input id="maskedtextbox2" />
<input id="maskedtextbox3" />


    var mtbs = $("[data-role='maskedtextbox']");

    mtbs.each(function(e) {
        var mtb = $(this).data("kendoMaskedTextBox");

        mtb.bind("change", SomeFunction);

    function SomeFunction(e) {

Before the Page Loads

Override the default change event handler function before the MaskedTextBoxes initializes.

    function SomeFunction(e) {

    $.fn.kendoMaskedTextBox.widget.fn._change = SomeFunction

<input id="maskedtextbox1" />
<input id="maskedtextbox2" />
<input id="maskedtextbox3" />

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