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Navigating Using Keyboard in Grid Does Not Fully Show First Column After Sticky Columns


Product Kendo UI Grid
Version 2023.3.1114


When navigating using the keyboard in the Grid component, the first column after sticky columns does not fully show.


To address this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Bind to the keypress event of the div#grid element.
  2. Check if the current target of the tab keypress event has the ID CustomerID.
  3. Scroll the Grid dynamically to show the first column.

Here is an example of how you can implement this workaround:

<div id="grid"></div>
        $(document).ready(function () {
            if($("#CustomerID") && e.shiftKey === true && e.code === "Tab") {
                                $(".k-grid-content").animate({ scrollLeft: -100} );
          if ( !== true) {
              dataSource: {
                type: "odata",
                transport: {
                  read: ""
                schema: {
                  model: {
                    fields: {
                      OrderID: { type: "number" },
                      ShipCountry: { type: "string" },
                      ShipName: { type: "string" },
                      ShipCity: { type: "string" },
                      ShipAddress: { type: "string" },
                      RequiredDate: { type: "date" }
                pageSize: 30
              editable: "incell",
              height: 540,
              sortable: true,
              reorderable: true,
              groupable: true,
              resizable: true,
              filterable: true,
              columnMenu: true,
              pageable: true,
              columns: [{
                field: "OrderID",
                title: "Order ID",
                sticky: true,
                width: 150
                          field: "CustomerID",
                          title: "Customer ID",
                          stickable: true,
                          width: 250
                          field: "ShipName",
                          title: "Ship Name",
                          stickable: true,
                          width: 350
                        }, {
                          field: "ShipCountry",
                          title: "Ship Country",
                          stickable: true,
                          width: 300
                        }, {
                          field: "ShipAddress",
                          title: "Ship Address",
                          stickable: true,
                          width: 300
                        }, {
                          field: "ShipCity",
                          title: "Ship City",
                          stickable: true,
                          width: 300
                        }, {
                          field: "ShipPostalCode",
                          title: "Ship Postal Code",
                          stickable: true,
                          width: 300
                          field: "ShipVia",
                          title: "Ship Via",
                          stickable: true,
                          width: 250
                          field: "RequiredDate",
                          title: "Required Date",
                          template: '#= kendo.toString(RequiredDate, "dd/MM/yyyy") #',
                          stickable: true,
                          width: 250
          } else {
            $("#grid").html("Sticky columns are not supported in IE!")

See Also

In this article