Modify Default Behavior of Filter Operators
Product | Progress® Kendo UI® Grid for jQuery |
This sample demonstrates how to change the default functionality of the filtering operators. In this specific case, the doesnotcontain and lessthan operators are modified to return only values which are not null.
<div id="grid"></div>
<script> = function (e) {
var expression = e;
var expressions = [],
logic = { and: " && ", or: " || " },
fieldFunctions = [],
operatorFunctions = [],
filters = expression.filters,
dateRegExp = /^\/Date\((.*?)\)\/$/;
var operators = (function () {
function quote(str) {
if (typeof str == "string") {
str = str.replace(/[\r\n]+/g, "");
return JSON.stringify(str);
function textOp(impl) {
return function (a, b, ignore, accentFoldingFiltering) {
var aOrg = a;
b += "";
if (ignore) {
a = "(" + a + " + '').toString()" + ((accentFoldingFiltering) ? ".toLocaleLowerCase('" + accentFoldingFiltering + "')" : ".toLowerCase()");
b = ((accentFoldingFiltering) ? b.toLocaleLowerCase(accentFoldingFiltering) : b.toLowerCase());
return impl(a, quote(b), ignore, aOrg);
function operator(op, a, b, ignore, accentFoldingFiltering) {
if (b != null) {
if (typeof b === "string") {
var date = dateRegExp.exec(b);
if (date) {
b = new Date(+date[1]);
} else if (ignore) {
b = quote(((accentFoldingFiltering) ? b.toLocaleLowerCase(accentFoldingFiltering) : b.toLowerCase()));
a = "((" + a + " || '')+'')" + ((accentFoldingFiltering) ? ".toLocaleLowerCase('" + accentFoldingFiltering + "')" : ".toLowerCase()");
} else {
b = quote(b);
if (b.getTime) {
//b looks like a Date
a = "(" + a + "&&" + a + ".getTime?" + a + ".getTime():" + a + ")";
b = b.getTime();
return a + " " + op + " " + b;
function getMatchRegexp(pattern) {
// take a pattern, as supported by Excel match filter, and
// convert it to the equivalent JS regular expression.
// Excel patterns support:
// * - match any sequence of characters
// ? - match a single character
// to match a literal * or ?, they must be prefixed by a tilde (~)
for (var rx = "/^", esc = false, i = 0; i < pattern.length; ++i) {
var ch = pattern.charAt(i);
if (esc) {
rx += "\\" + ch;
} else if (ch == "~") {
esc = true;
} else if (ch == "*") {
rx += ".*";
} else if (ch == "?") {
rx += ".";
} else if (".+^$()[]{}|\\/\n\r\u2028\u2029\xA0".indexOf(ch) >= 0) {
rx += "\\" + ch;
} else {
rx += ch;
esc = false;
return rx + "$/";
return {
quote: function (value) {
if (value && value.getTime) {
return "new Date(" + value.getTime() + ")";
return quote(value);
eq: function (a, b, ignore, accentFoldingFiltering) {
return operator("==", a, b, ignore, accentFoldingFiltering);
neq: function (a, b, ignore, accentFoldingFiltering) {
return operator("!=", a, b, ignore, accentFoldingFiltering) + " && (" + a + " != null)";
gt: function (a, b, ignore) {
return operator(">", a, b, ignore);
gte: function (a, b, ignore) {
return operator(">=", a, b, ignore);
lt: function (a, b, ignore) {
//return operator("<", a, b, ignore);
return operator("<", a, b, ignore) + " && (" + a + " != null)";
lte: function (a, b, ignore) {
return operator("<=", a, b, ignore) + " && (" + a + " != null)";
startswith: textOp(function (a, b) {
return a + ".lastIndexOf(" + b + ", 0) == 0";
doesnotstartwith: textOp(function (a, b) {
return a + ".lastIndexOf(" + b + ", 0) == -1";
endswith: textOp(function (a, b) {
var n = b ? b.length - 2 : 0;
return a + ".indexOf(" + b + ", " + a + ".length - " + n + ") >= 0";
doesnotendwith: textOp(function (a, b) {
var n = b ? b.length - 2 : 0;
return a + ".indexOf(" + b + ", " + a + ".length - " + n + ") < 0";
contains: textOp(function (a, b) {
return a + ".indexOf(" + b + ") >= 0";
doesnotcontain: textOp(function (a, b, ignore, aOrg) {
//return a + ".indexOf(" + b + ") == -1";
return "((" + a + ".indexOf(" + b + ") == -1) && (" + aOrg + " != null))";
matches: textOp(function (a, b) {
b = b.substring(1, b.length - 1);
return getMatchRegexp(b) + ".test(" + a + ")";
doesnotmatch: textOp(function (a, b) {
b = b.substring(1, b.length - 1);
return "!" + getMatchRegexp(b) + ".test(" + a + ")";
isempty: function (a) {
return a + " === ''";
isnotempty: function (a) {
return a + " !== ''";
isnull: function (a) {
return "(" + a + " == null)";
isnotnull: function (a) {
return "(" + a + " != null)";
isnullorempty: function (a) {
return "(" + a + " === null) || (" + a + " === '')";
isnotnullorempty: function (a) {
return "(" + a + " !== null) && (" + a + " !== '')";
for (idx = 0, length = filters.length; idx < length; idx++) {
filter = filters[idx];
field = filter.field;
operator = filter.operator;
if (filter.filters) {
expr =;
//Nested function fields or operators - update their index e.g. __o[0] -> __o[1]
filter = expr.expression
.replace(/__o\[(\d+)\]/g, function (match, index) {
index = +index;
return "__o[" + (operatorFunctions.length + index) + "]";
.replace(/__f\[(\d+)\]/g, function (match, index) {
index = +index;
return "__f[" + (fieldFunctions.length + index) + "]";
operatorFunctions.push.apply(operatorFunctions, expr.operators);
fieldFunctions.push.apply(fieldFunctions, expr.fields);
} else {
if (typeof field === "function") {
expr = "__f[" + fieldFunctions.length + "](d)";
} else {
expr = kendo.expr(field);
if (typeof operator === "function") {
filter = "__o[" + operatorFunctions.length + "](" + expr + ", " + operators.quote(filter.value) + ")";
} else {
filter = operators[(operator || "eq").toLowerCase()](expr, filter.value, filter.ignoreCase !== undefined ? filter.ignoreCase : true, expression.accentFoldingFiltering);
return { expression: "(" + expressions.join(logic[expression.logic]) + ")", fields: fieldFunctions, operators: operatorFunctions };
columns: [
{ field: "name" },
{ field: "age", filterable: {multi:true}},
{ field: "joindate", filterable : {
extra: true, //provides 2 inputs (useful for filering within a range of dates)
ui: function(element) {
format: "MM/dd/yyyy" //format within filter menu
operators: {
date: {
eq: "Equal To",
neq: "Not Equal To",
gte: "After Or Equal To",
gt: "After",
lte: "Before Or Equal To",
lt: "Before",
isnull: "Blank",
isnotnull: "Not Blank"
string: {
eq: "Equal To",
neq: "Not Equal To",
gte: "After Or Equal To",
gt: "After",
lte: "Before Or Equal To",
lt: "Before",
isnull: "Blank",
isnotnull: "Not Blank"
}, format : "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"
dataSource: {
data: [
{ id: 1, name: "Jane Doe", age: 30, joindate: '10/01/2020' },
{ id: 2, name: "John Doe", age: 33, joindate: '10/05/2020' },
{ id: 3, name: "Mark Stoinis", age: 33, joindate: '10/10/2020' },
{ id: 4, name: null, age: 35, joindate: '10/15/2020' },
{ id: 5, name: "Sama", age: null, joindate: '' }
schema: {
model: {
id: "id",
fields: {
name: { type: "string" },
age: { type: "number" },
joindate: {type: "date"}
filterable: {
extra: false