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Prevent Grid Filter Menu from Closing on Browser Scroll


Product Version 2017.3 1026
Product Progress® Kendo UI® Grid for jQuery


How can I prevent the filter popup from closing when the user scrolls the page of the Grid?


  1. Handle the scroll event of the window.
  2. In the event handler, set a global variable to true.
  3. In the filterMenuInit event handler of the Grid, bind the close event to the Popup widget.
  4. Based on the global variable, prevent the default behavior in the close event handler.
<div class="wrapper">
    <div id="client"></div>
    .wrapper {
        height: 1200px;
    var scroll = false;
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var telerikWebServiceBase = "";
            dataSource: {
                transport: {
                    read: {
                        url: telerikWebServiceBase + "/Products",
                        dataType: "jsonp"
                    update: {
                        url: telerikWebServiceBase + "/Products/Update",
                        dataType: "jsonp"
                    destroy: {
                        url: telerikWebServiceBase + "/Products/Destroy",
                        dataType: "jsonp"
                    create: {
                        url: telerikWebServiceBase + "/Products/Create",
                        dataType: "jsonp"
                    parameterMap: function(options, operation) {
                        if (operation !== "read" && options.models) {
                            return {
                                models: kendo.stringify(options.models)
                batch: true,
                pageSize: 20,
                schema: {
                    model: {
                        id: "ProductID",
                        fields: {
                            ProductID: {
                                editable: false,
                                nullable: true
                            ProductName: {
                                validation: {
                                    required: true
                            UnitPrice: {
                                type: "number",
                                validation: {
                                    required: true,
                                    min: 1
                            Discontinued: {
                                type: "boolean"
                            UnitsInStock: {
                                type: "number",
                                validation: {
                                    min: 0,
                                    required: true
            filterMenuInit: function(e) {
                if (e.field === "UnitPrice" || e.field === "UnitsInStock") {
                    var filterMultiCheck = this.thead.find("[data-field=" + e.field + "]").data("kendoFilterMultiCheck")
                        field: e.field,
                        dir: "asc"


                    var popup = $(e.container[0]).data("kendoPopup");
                    popup.bind("close", function(e) {
                        if (scroll) {
                            e.preventDefault(); //prevent popup closing                    
            filterable: true,
            pageable: true,
            height: 550,
            toolbar: ["create", "save", "cancel"],
            columns: [{
                    field: "ProductName",
                    filterable: {
                        multi: true
                    field: "UnitPrice",
                    title: "Unit Price",
                    format: "{0:c}",
                    width: 120,
                    filterable: {
                        multi: true
                    field: "UnitsInStock",
                    title: "Units In Stock",
                    width: 120,
                    filterable: {
                        multi: true
                    field: "Discontinued",
                    width: 120,
                    filterable: {
                        multi: true,
                        dataSource: [{
                            Discontinued: true
                        }, {
                            Discontinued: false
                    command: "destroy",
                    title: "&nbsp;",
                    width: 150
            editable: true

        $(window).scroll(function() {
            scroll = true;
            setTimeout(function(e) {
                scroll = false;
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