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Filter Hidden Group Columns


Product Version 2017.1 117
Product Progress® Kendo UI® Grid for jQuery


How can I create a filter menu inside the first cell of the header for the grouping column in the Grid when the column is hidden?


To filter the hidden column:

  1. Display the column.
  2. In the dataBound event handler of the Grid:

    1. Get the HTML of the filter button.
    2. Append the button to the k-group-cell.
    3. Use the hideColumn method to hide the column.

      <div id="example">
              .k-multicheck-wrap {
                  overflow-x: hidden;
          <div class="demo-section k-content wide">
              <h4>Client Operations</h4>
              <div id="client"></div>
              $(document).ready(function() {
                  var telerikWebServiceBase = "";
                      dataSource: {
                          transport: {
                              read: {
                                  url: telerikWebServiceBase + "/Products",
                                  dataType: "jsonp"
                              update: {
                                  url: telerikWebServiceBase + "/Products/Update",
                                  dataType: "jsonp"
                              destroy: {
                                  url: telerikWebServiceBase + "/Products/Destroy",
                                  dataType: "jsonp"
                              create: {
                                  url: telerikWebServiceBase + "/Products/Create",
                                  dataType: "jsonp"
                              parameterMap: function(options, operation) {
                                  if (operation !== "read" && options.models) {
                                      return {
                                          models: kendo.stringify(options.models)
                          batch: true,
                          group: {
                              field: 'Discontinued'
                          schema: {
                              model: {
                                  id: "ProductID",
                                  fields: {
                                      ProductID: {
                                          editable: false,
                                          nullable: true
                                      ProductName: {
                                          validation: {
                                              required: true
                                      UnitPrice: {
                                          type: "number",
                                          validation: {
                                              required: true,
                                              min: 1
                                      Discontinued: {
                                          type: "boolean"
                                      UnitsInStock: {
                                          type: "number",
                                          validation: {
                                              min: 0,
                                              required: true
                      filterable: true,
                      height: 550,
                      dataBound: function(e) {
                          var grid = e.sender;
                          var gridEl = grid.element;
                          var filterElem = gridEl.find("[data-field='Discontinued']").find(".k-grid-filter-menu");
                          var myFilterPlaceholder = gridEl.find("th.k-group-cell.k-header");
                      columns: [{
                              field: "ProductName",
                              filterable: {
                                  multi: true,
                                  search: true
                              field: "UnitPrice",
                              title: "Unit Price",
                              format: "{0:c}",
                              width: 120,
                              filterable: {
                                  multi: true
                              field: "UnitsInStock",
                              title: "Units In Stock",
                              width: 120,
                              filterable: {
                                  multi: true
                          }, {
                              field: "Discontinued",
                              groupHeaderTemplate: 'Discontinued: #= value #'
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