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    Export to Excel Grids with Multiple Column Templates and Arbitrary Template Content


    Product Progress® Kendo UI® Grid for jQuery


    I am exporting a Grid with one and two template columns by using the approach from the column template article. However, I have Grids with dynamic columns and multiple template columns and to use hard-coded field names and indexes is not possible. Additionally, each template column contains different type of templates—from HTML strings to special character values.

    How can I export my Kendo UI Grid with multiple template columns with arbitrary HTML template content to Excel?


    1. Traverse the exported content of the Grid in the excelExport event.
    2. Replace the cell content for template columns.

    The following example produces text-only content in the exported Excel file. The Grid is able to export only data values to Excel.

    The following example does not work with grouped data and for such the custom excelExport logic needs to be adjusted.

    Open In Dojo
        <div id="grid"></div>
          $(document).ready(function() {
              dataSource: {
                type: "odata",
                transport: {
                  read: ""
                schema: {
                  model : {
                    fields: {
                      OrderDate: {type: "date"}
                pageSize: 20,
                serverPaging: true
              height: 550,
              toolbar: ["excel"],
              excel: {
                allPages: true
              excelExport: exportGridWithTemplatesContent,
              pageable: true,
              columns: [
                  field: "Freight",
                  hidden: true
                  filterable: false
                  field: "OrderDate",
                  title: "Order Date",
                  template: "<em>#:kendo.toString(OrderDate, 'd')#</em>"
                }, {
                  field: "ShipName",
                  title: "Ship Name",
                  template: "#:ShipName.toUpperCase()#"
                }, {
                  field: "ShipCity",
                  title: "Ship City",
                  template: "<span style='color: green'>#:ShipCity#, #:ShipCountry#</span>"
              columnMenu: true
          function exportGridWithTemplatesContent(e){
            var data =;
            var gridColumns = e.sender.columns;
            var sheet = e.workbook.sheets[0];
            var visibleGridColumns = [];
            var columnTemplates = [];
            var dataItem;
            // Create element to generate templates in.
            var elem = document.createElement('div');
            // Get a list of visible columns
            for (var i = 0; i < gridColumns.length; i++) {
              if (!gridColumns[i].hidden) {
            // Create a collection of the column templates, together with the current column index
            for (var i = 0; i < visibleGridColumns.length; i++) {
              if (visibleGridColumns[i].template) {
                columnTemplates.push({ cellIndex: i, template: kendo.template(visibleGridColumns[i].template) });
            // Traverse all exported rows.
            for (var i = 1; i < sheet.rows.length; i++) {
              var row = sheet.rows[i];
              // Traverse the column templates and apply them for each row at the stored column position.
              // Get the data item corresponding to the current row.
              var dataItem = data[i - 1];
              for (var j = 0; j < columnTemplates.length; j++) {
                var columnTemplate = columnTemplates[j];
                // Generate the template content for the current cell.
                elem.innerHTML = columnTemplate.template(dataItem);
                if (row.cells[columnTemplate.cellIndex] != undefined)
                  // Output the text content of the templated cell into the exported cell.
                  row.cells[columnTemplate.cellIndex].value = elem.textContent || elem.innerText || "";