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    Toggle Content of Cell on Click


    Product Progress® Kendo UI® Grid for jQuery
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    How can I toggle the cell content of a Grid between two different properties of the DataItem just by clicking the cell?


    Use such a Kendo UI template for the cell that it shows different properties depending on the value of a Boolean field. When clicked, the provided value gets changed and the template will update automatically.

    Open In Dojo
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="example">
      <div id="grid"></div>
        $(document).ready(function() {
            dataSource: {
              data: products,
              schema: {
                model: {
                  fields: {
                    ProductName: {
                      type: "string"
                    UnitPrice: {
                      type: "number"
                    UnitsInStock: {
                      type: "number"
                    Discontinued: {
                      type: "boolean"
                    QuantityPerUnit: {
                      type: "string"
                parse: function(response) {
                  var products = [];
                  for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
                    var product = {
                      ProductName: response[i].ProductName,
                      UnitPrice: response[i].UnitPrice,
                      UnitsInStock: response[i].UnitsInStock,
                      Discontinued: false,
                      QuantityPerUnit: response[i].QuantityPerUnit
                  return products;
              pageSize: 20
            height: 550,
            scrollable: true,
            sortable: true,
            filterable: true,
            pageable: {
              input: true,
              numeric: false
            columns: [{
                field: "ProductName",
                template: "<div onclick='cellClick(this)'><a>#if(Discontinued){# - <b>Quantity per unit:</b> #: QuantityPerUnit # #}else{# #: ProductName # #}#</a></div>",
                title: "<b>Product Name</b> (Click to see quantity per unit)"
                field: "UnitPrice",
                title: "Unit Price",
                format: "{0:c}",
                width: "230px"
                field: "UnitsInStock",
                title: "Units In Stock",
                width: "230px"
                field: "Discontinued",
                hidden: true
                field: "QuantityPerUnit",
                hidden: true
        //We use the discontinued variable to Toggle between properties in cell
        function cellClick(e) {
          var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
          var dataItem = grid.dataItem($(e).closest("tr"));
          if (dataItem.Discontinued) {
            dataItem.set("Discontinued", false);
          } else {
            dataItem.set("Discontinued", true);