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Animate the resize Method


Product Version 2018.1 221
Product Progress® Kendo UI® Grid for jQuery


How can I animate the height resizing of the Kendo UI Grid?


  1. Use two simultaneous animations—the first one for the HTML element of the Grid and the second one for the .k-grid-content HTML element.
  2. When the animations are complete, invoke the resize method of the Grid.
<div id="example">
    <div id="grid"></div>
        $(document).ready(function() {
                dataSource: {
                    type: "odata",
                    transport: {
                        read: ""
                    pageSize: 20
                height: 250,
                groupable: true,
                sortable: true,
                pageable: {
                    refresh: true,
                    pageSizes: true,
                    buttonCount: 5
                columns: [{
                    field: "ContactName",
                    title: "Contact Name",
                    width: 240
                }, {
                    field: "ContactTitle",
                    title: "Contact Title"
                }, {
                    field: "CompanyName",
                    title: "Company Name"
                }, {
                    field: "Country",
                    width: 150

        setTimeout(function(e) {
            var contentHeight = $("#grid").height() - $(".k-grid-content").height();
            var newHeight = 500;

                height: newHeight,

                height: newHeight - contentHeight,
            }, function(e) {

        }, 1000);
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