Set Form field programmatically
Product | Progress® Kendo UI® Form for jQuery |
How can I change From data based on user selection in another widget?
Get a reference to the Form instance and set the value of the required model field via the
set method. This way the UI, as well as the form data that will be submitted, will be updated with the new value.
Only a valid model can be updated following this approach
<div id="example">
<div class="demo-section k-content">
<h4>Change Shipping Address</h4>
<input id="address" style="margin-bottom:20px" />
<div id="validation-success"></div>
<form id="exampleForm"></form>
$(document).ready(function () {
var validationSuccess = $("#validation-success");
formData: {
FirstName: "John",
LastName: "Doe",
Email: "",
City: "Lyon",
AddressLine: "2, rue du Commerce"
items: [
type: "group",
label: "Personal Information",
items: [
field: "FirstName",
label: "First Name:",
validation: { required: true }
field: "LastName",
label: "Last Name:",
validation: { required: true }
field: "Email",
label: "Email:",
validation: {
required: true,
email: true
type: "group",
label: "Shipping Address",
items: [
field: "City",
label: "City:",
validation: { required: true }
field: "AddressLine",
label: "Address Line:",
validation: { required: true }
validateField: function(e) {
submit: function(e) {
validationSuccess.html("<div class='k-messagebox k-messagebox-success'>Form data is valid!</div>");
clear: function(ev) {
dataTextField: "text",
dataValueField: "value",
dataSource: {
{ text: "Home", value: "1", ShipAddress: "2, rue du Commerce", ShipCity: "Lyon" },
{ text: "Office", value: "2", ShipAddress: "Boulevard Tirou, 255",
ShipCity: "Charleroi"},
{ text: "Swiss Office", value: "2", ShipAddress: "Hauptstr. 31",
ShipCity: "Bern"}
change: onDdlChange
function onDdlChange(e){
var form = $("#exampleForm").getKendoForm();
var dataItem = e.sender.dataItem();
form.editable.options.model.set("City", dataItem.ShipCity);
form.editable.options.model.set("AddressLine", dataItem.ShipAddress);