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Change the Value of an Input Based on the Selection in RadioGroup in Form


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Form for jQuery
Product Progress® Kendo UI® RadioGroup for jQuery


How can I change the value in an input field displayed in Kendo UI for jQuery Form based on the selection in RadioGroup?


Use the items.editorOptions to handle the RadioGroup select event. In the event handler find the needed field and set its value.

  <form id="myForm"></form>

      formData: {
        ID: 1,
        Name: "John Doe",
        Address: 3
      items: [{
        field: "Name",
        validation: { required: true }
      }, {
        field: "Address",
        editor: "RadioGroup",
        editorOptions: {
          layout: "horizontal",
          items: ["Insert Procedure", "Update Procedure", "Synchronize Procedure"],

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In this article