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Create Custom Filter Operators for Relative Values


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Filter for jQuery


In this article, you will find out how to create a custom Filter operator with relative value for the date fields of the component.


  • Extend the existing operators by accessing them from the options of the Filter component.
var extendedDateOperators =;
extendedDateOperators["withinNext90Days"] = {
    text: 'within the next 90 days',
    handler: withinNext90DaysHandler
  • Set the extented operators as the operators of the date field in the configuration of the Filter.
fields: [
   { name: "hireDate", type:"date", label: "Hire Date", operators: {
       date: extendedDateOperators
    } },
   { name: "name", type:"string", label: "Name" }
  • Implement a handler for the new custom operator.
function withinNext90DaysHandler(itemValue){
    var today = new Date(new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0));
    var after90Days = new Date(new Date().setDate(today.getDate() + 90)).setHours(0,0,0,0);
    var day = new Date(itemValue.setHours(0,0,0,0));

    return today <= day && day <= after90Days;
  • Remove the Filter editor by finding its container in the change event of the filterModel and then emptying it only for the custom operator.
$("#filter").data("kendoFilter").filterModel.bind("change", function(e) {
    if(!e.items) {

    let model = e.items[0];
      var editorContainer = $("[id='"+model.uid+"']").find(".k-toolbar-item.k-filter-value");

      if(model.operator == "withinNext90Days") {

The following example demonstrates the full implementation of the suggested approach:

<div id="filter"></div>
    <br /><br />
      var extendedDateOperators =;
      extendedDateOperators["withinNext90Days"] = {
                text: 'within the next 90 days',
                handler: withinNext90DaysHandler

      var data = [
        { name: "Jane Doe", hireDate: new Date() }, // Today
        { name: "John Doe", hireDate: new Date(2023,8,9) }, // Sept 9 2023
        { name: "Mike Doe", hireDate: new Date(2023,11,9) }, // Dec 9 2023
        { name: "Tom Doe", hireDate: new Date(2024,8,9) } // Sept 9 2024

      var dataSource = new{
        data: data,
        change: function(e) {
          // Print the filtered data.

          // This should print 2 items, today and Sept 9. 
          // You can observe the result in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser.

        dataSource: dataSource,
        applyButton: true,
        expressionPreview: true,
        fields: [
          { name: "hireDate", type:"date", label: "Hire Date", operators: {
            date: extendedDateOperators
          } },
          { name: "name", type:"string", label: "Name" }

      $("#filter").data("kendoFilter").filterModel.bind("change", function(e) {
        if(!e.items) {

        let model = e.items[0];
          var editorContainer = $("[id='"+model.uid+"']").find(".k-toolbar-item.k-filter-value"),
              dropDown = $("[id='"+model.uid+"']").find(".k-toolbar-item.k-filter-operator select").data("kendoDropDownList"); 

          // Correct dropdown value.
          if (dropDown) {
              template: ({ text }) => typeof text === "object" ? text.text : text,
              valueTemplate: ({ text }) => typeof text === "object" ? text.text : text


          if(model.operator == "withinNext90Days") {


      function withinNext90DaysHandler(itemValue){
        var today = new Date(new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0));
        var after90Days = new Date(new Date().setDate(today.getDate() + 90)).setHours(0,0,0,0);
        var day = new Date(itemValue.setHours(0,0,0,0));

        return today <= day && day <= after90Days;


See Also

In this article