Expand TreeView Nodes while Dragging
Product | Progress® Kendo UI® TreeView for jQuery |
Operating System | Windows 10 64bit |
Visual Studio Version | Visual Studio 2017 |
Preferred Language | JavaScript |
How can I expand the items that are hovered when the user drags a node in the Kendo UI for jQuery TreeView?
The following example demonstrates how to achieve the desired scenario.
<div id="treeview"></div>
dragAndDrop: true,
dataSource: [
{ text: "foo", items: [
{ text: "bar" },
{ text: "baz" }
] },
{ text: "qux", items: [
{ text: "cat" },
{ text: "dog" }
] }
drag: function(e) {
var dataItem = this.dataItem(e.dropTarget);
if (dataItem) {
dataItem.set("expanded", true);