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Set an Automatic Row Height for Wrapped Cells When Exporting to Excel


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Workbook for jQuery


How do I set the row height for wrapped cells? The rows are keeping their default height of 35. The wrapped text is not showing unless the row height is changed by hand. How can I set the row height to automatically adjust for the wrapped text?


The Kendo UI OOXML Workbook rows cannot be set to use automatic height. Unless height is provided as a number, the default row height will be used.

If you wish to have rows of different heights, you would need to calculate the row height of that particular row before pushing it to the rows array.

Here is some example logic that can be used:

  1. Compare data[i].Subject and data[i].Comments by their characters length and take the one which is longer for the following dynamic calculation
  2. Check how many characters on average there are per row in the exported Excel. For the DejaVu font, I can count approximately 27 characters with the 200 pixels width columns that are set in the provided code snippet.
  3. To get the number of rows, we can divide the column with the longest content by 27 and multiply the result by the default 20-pixel height. If the content is less than 27 characters, then with this ternary operator, we can still use the default row height of 20
    var rowHeight = contentToWrap.length > 27 ? Math.ceil(contentToWrap.length/27) * 20 : 20;

        cells: rowCells,
        height: rowHeight
        var data = [{"ProductID":1,"ProductName":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur   adipisicing elit. Totam ipsam blanditiis quo perspiciatis iste ad atque enim, sed expedita    sint dolor ea, inventore non, cum quae nam quos! Porro, nostrum.","UnitPrice":18,  "UnitsInStock":39,"Discontinued":false,"OrderDate":"1996-07-03T21:00:00.000Z"},   {"ProductID":2,"ProductName":"Chang","UnitPrice":19,"UnitsInStock":17,"Discontinued":false,    "OrderDate":"1996-07-04T21:00:00.000Z"},{"ProductID":3,"ProductName":"Aniseed Syrup",   "UnitPrice":10,"UnitsInStock":13,"Discontinued":false,"OrderDate":"1996-07-01T21:00:00.000Z"}  ,{"ProductID":4,"ProductName":"Chef Anton's Cajun SeasoningLsint dolor ea, inventore non,     cum quae nam quos! Porro, nostrum","UnitPrice":22,"UnitsInStock":53,"Discontinued":false,   "OrderDate":"1996-07-01T21:00:00.000Z"}];


        function generateSource(data) {
          var modelProps = generateModel(data);
          var columns ={
            return { value: name };

          var rows = [{
            cells: columns

          for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
            var rowCells = [];
            var contentToWrap="";

            for(var j=0;j < modelProps.length;j++){
              var cellValue = data[i][modelProps[j]];

              if(modelProps[j] === "ProductName"){
                contentToWrap = cellValue;
                rowCells.push({value: cellValue, wrap:true});
             } else {
                rowCells.push({value: cellValue});


            var rowHeight = contentToWrap.length > 27 ? Math.ceil(contentToWrap.length/27) * 20 :     20

              cells: rowCells,
              height: rowHeight

          var columnSettings ={
            return { width: 200 };

          var workbook = new kendo.ooxml.Workbook({
            sheets: [{
              title: "Orders",
              rows: rows
          kendo.saveAs({dataURI: workbook.toDataURL(), fileName: "Test.xlsx"});

        function generateModel(data) {
          var sampleDataItem = data[0];

          var model = Object.keys(sampleDataItem);      
          return model;
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