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Extend Editor Insert Hyperlink Dialog to Allow Adding Class Names to the Inserted Link


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Editor for jQuery


When I use the insert hyperlink dialog in Kendo UI for jQuery Editor I need to add custom class or attribute to the link. How can I achieve that?


  1. You can extend the template for the insertHyperlink dialog in order to add custom checkboxes. The user can select the checkboxes when adding a custom class or attribute is needed:

    kendo.ui.editor.LinkCommand.fn._dialogTemplate = function() {
        return kendo.template(
            "<div class='k-edit-label'></div>" +       
            "<div class='k-edit-field'>" +
            "<input type='checkbox' class='k-checkbox k-checkbox-md k-rounded-md'   id='k-editor-link-class-green'>" +
            "<label for='k-editor-link-class-green' class='k-checkbox-label'>Set custom class -green</  label>" +
            "</div>" +        
            "</div>" +
            messages: this.editor.options.messages
  2. When the custom checkbox is checked you can add the respective class to the hyperlink:

        kendo.ui.editor.LinkCommand.fn._apply = function (e) {
             target = $("#k-editor-link-target", element).is(":checked");
    = target ? "_blank" : null;
               this.attributes.className = 'red';
             if($('#k-editor-link-class-green').is(':checked') && !this.attributes.    className){
               this.attributes.className = 'green';
             }else if($('#k-editor-link-class-green').is(':checked')){
               this.attributes.className += ' green';
             this.formatter.apply(this._range, this.attributes);
  3. In case you need to add custom attributes the same as the custom classes, you could handle the select event of the widget. In the event handler you could search for the custom classes, and add the needed attributes:

        select: function(e){
              $(e.sender.selectionRestorePoint.body).find('.red').attr('red', 'red')
              $(e.sender.selectionRestorePoint.body).find('.green').attr('green',   'green')
              isInsert = false

The described above is demonstrated in the below runnable example:

    <textarea id="editor"></textarea>
      var isInsert = false;
      kendo.ui.editor.LinkCommand.fn._dialogTemplate = function() {
        return kendo.template(
          '<div class="k-editor-dialog k-popup-edit-form">' +
          '<div class="k-edit-form-container">' +
          "<div class='k-edit-label'>" +
          "<label for='k-editor-link-url'>#: messages.linkWebAddress #</label>" +
          "</div>" +
          "<div class='k-edit-field'>" +
          "<span class=\"k-textbox k-input k-input-md k-rounded-md k-input-solid\"><input type='text' class='k-input-inner' id='k-editor-link-url'></span>" +
          "</div>" +
          "<div class='k-edit-label k-editor-link-text-row'>" +
          "<label for='k-editor-link-text'>#: messages.linkText #</label>" +
          "</div>" +
          "<div class='k-edit-field k-editor-link-text-row'>" +
          "<span class=\"k-textbox k-input k-input-md k-rounded-md k-input-solid\"><input type='text' class='k-input-inner' id='k-editor-link-text'></span>" +
          "</div>" +
          "<div class='k-edit-label'>" +
          "<label for='k-editor-link-title'>#: messages.linkToolTip #</label>" +
          "</div>" +
          "<div class='k-edit-field'>" +
          "<span class=\"k-textbox k-input k-input-md k-rounded-md k-input-solid\"><input type='text' class='k-input-inner' id='k-editor-link-title'></span>" +
          "</div>" +
          "<div class='k-edit-label'></div>" +
          "<div class='k-edit-field'>" +
          "<input type='checkbox' class='k-checkbox k-checkbox-md k-rounded-md' id='k-editor-link-target'>" +
          "<label for='k-editor-link-target' class='k-checkbox-label'>#: messages.linkOpenInNewWindow #</label>" +
          "</div>" +
          "<div class='k-edit-field'>" +
          "<input type='checkbox' class='k-checkbox k-checkbox-md k-rounded-md' id='k-editor-link-class-green'>" +
          "<label for='k-editor-link-class-green' class='k-checkbox-label'>Set custom class -green</label>" +
          "</div>" +
          "<div class='k-edit-field'>" +
          "<input type='checkbox' class='k-checkbox k-checkbox-md k-rounded-md' id='k-editor-link-class-red'>" +
          "<label for='k-editor-link-class-red' class='k-checkbox-label'>Set custom class - red</label>" +
          "</div>" +
          "<div class='k-edit-buttons'>" +
          '<button class="k-dialog-insert k-button k-button-md k-rounded-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-primary"><span class="k-button-text">#: messages.dialogInsert #</span></button>' +
          '<button class="k-dialog-close k-button k-button-md k-rounded-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base"><span class="k-button-text">#: messages.dialogCancel #</span></button>' +
          "</div>" +
          "</div>" +
          messages: this.editor.options.messages

      var originalExec = kendo.ui.editor.LinkCommand.fn.exec;

      kendo.ui.editor.LinkCommand.fn.exec = function () {;

        var nodes = kendo.ui.editor.RangeUtils.textNodes(this._range);
        var a = nodes.length ? this.formatter.finder.findSuitable(nodes[0]) : null;
        var className = a && a.className ? a.className : "";       

      var originalApply = kendo.ui.editor.LinkCommand.fn._apply;

      kendo.ui.editor.LinkCommand.fn._apply = function (e) {
        var element = this._dialog.element;
        var href = $("#k-editor-link-url", element).val();
        var title, text, target;
        var textInput = $("#k-editor-link-text", element)

        if (href && href != "http://") {

          if (href.indexOf("@") > 0 && !/^(\w+:)|(\/\/)/i.test(href)) {
            href = "mailto:" + href;

          this.attributes = { href: href };

          title = $("#k-editor-link-title", element).val();
          if (title) {
            this.attributes.title = title;

          if (":visible")) {
            text = kendo.trim(textInput.val());
            if (!text && !this._initialText) {
              this.attributes.innerText = href;
            } else if (text && (text !== this._initialText)) {
              this.attributes.innerText = kendo.ui.editor.Dom.stripBom(text);

          target = $("#k-editor-link-target", element).is(":checked");
 = target ? "_blank" : null;

            this.attributes.className = 'red';
            isInsert = true

          if($('#k-editor-link-class-green').is(':checked') && !this.attributes.className){
            this.attributes.className = 'green';
            isInsert = true;
          }else if($('#k-editor-link-class-green').is(':checked')){
            this.attributes.className += ' green';
            isInsert = true;

          this.formatter.apply(this._range, this.attributes);


        if (this.change) {

        select: function(e){
            $(e.sender.selectionRestorePoint.body).find('.red').attr('red', 'red')
            $(e.sender.selectionRestorePoint.body).find('.green').attr('green', 'green')
            isInsert = false

See Also

In this article